A Change Of Scenery Can Make a Difference

Posted by in Career Advice

Have you been feeling as though you're stuck in a rut with your work or your job search? Do you do most of your job searching online? If so, maybe it's time for a change of scenery to shake you out of your usual routine.


For many job seekers, especially those who are currently out of work, the day consists of checking email, reading job postings online and using social media tools to build and grow their professional networks. Since most of this type of work can be done at home with Internet access, it's easy to get distracted by other things. It's tempting to run errands, do laundry or any one of the million chores that are waiting around the house.


A great way to make a change is to start working, at least one or two days a week, at a local coffee shop or other location that offers free Internet access. If you're paying for access at home, this might sound unnecessary, but there are many benefits to changing things up. Here are a few:


Working at a coffee shop forces you to focus – Since you can't easily walk away from your laptop, you're forced to work until you're finished. Although there is always a lot happening, the distractions aren't nearly as personal as they are at home. Personally, I do a lot of work from home. and when I take that work to another location, I find that I'm able to get a lot more work done in a much shorter time.


A change stimulates creativity – There is something about a new view that can make you see things differently. Most coffee shops work hard to create an atmosphere that's peaceful and inspiring and they do a good job at it. Take advantage of their hard work and make your office inspire you.


It's a great way to meet new people – Face-to-face networking opportunities are hard to come by, and by working in public, you greatly increase your chances of meeting others who are also working online. If you frequent the same coffee shop, you'll begin to see some of the same people every time. Not only are these great people to network with, you can also find fliers and postings on the walls for other events that might interest you. Just remember that any chance to network with others is worth the effort.


You can get a caffeine boost at the same time – If you are using a coffee shop as your makeshift office, don't forget to order something. Although you probably won't get kicked out if you don't spend money, ordering a cup of Joe, or tea or whatever will allow you to get to know the employees. Always be kind to them and they will be extra helpful in return.


The simple act of getting out of the house and getting your work done in a new location can open you up to new opportunities, new ideas and new networking opportunities. Try it and see if it helps you break out of your boring routine.


Do you ever work from a coffee shop? Why or why not? Please share your thoughts in the comments.


Image Source: MorgueFile


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  • Melissa Kennedy
    Melissa Kennedy
    @Steve W - It does help you form a network. Just don't be afraid to talk to the people you meet while you're there.
  • Deborah S
    Deborah S
    Interesting article, but I don't have a laptop.
  • Steve W
    Steve W
    I will have to give that a try. It might give me the opportunity to meet other people and actually form a network. It seems like applying online has gotten to be a hassle along with filling out paper applications for jobs that are nothing but high turnover. It would really give me a different outlook!
  • Melissa Kennedy
    Melissa Kennedy
    Thanks for the great comments. @Marquita, I've started going to the library to work more often and it has really given me a new outlook.
  • Beverly G
    Beverly G
    I think that that your idea ismarvelous.  It will definitelybreak up the atmosphere.Thanks for the great idea!!
  • Marquita A
    Marquita A
    I was just thinking about going to the library. A change of venture is definitely what's needed.

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