Wrong and Right Things to Say During an Interview

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Career Advice

Like many people, you probably get nervous during a job interview no matter how much or how well you prepare. Even if you examined your list of questions, thoroughly researched the company and checked the names of your interviewers on LinkedIn, nervousness can still set in. One way to ensure you perform well is to rehearse some things to say during the meeting.

Wrong Things to Say in a Job Interview

You always want to make a great first impression during a job interview. Therefore, don't start things off with a negative statement, such as "It was hard finding this building" or "Traffic was horrible." A simple greeting is all that's required to get things going.

Make sure you have your resume memorized. When an interviewer asks you about your past positions or job experience, don't reply by asking "Did you get a chance to review my resume?" You spent hours polishing, fine-tuning and perfecting your resume, so make sure you're able to discuss it with ease.

Information is readily available on the internet, and you likely connected with others in the industry. Therefore, you have no reason to ask, "What does this firm do?" If you don't know much about the company or industry, you won't have much to discuss with recruiters and will likely turn them off. Express a deep passion for the job and industry, and let your interviewers know that you intend to stick around for a long time.

Never tell the interviewer you don't have any questions. Recruiters expect you to ask questions during a job interview. Your interviewers gain insight into your personality based on the questions you ask, and they also can determine how much you know about the company through questions. Always prepare a few questions in advance.

What to Say Instead

Always be honest during a job interview. If you can't recall an answer to a question, tell the recruiter. Your honesty may appeal to your interviewers, and they might give you a little more time to think of a response. It's also a good idea to ask your interviewers "What do you enjoy the most about working here?" This question can lead to a conversation about the company and industry and might help you build a rapport with recruiters.

Feel free to ask, "What does success look like for this position?" The answers give you a chance to gauge if this position fits your work ethic, personality and career goals.

If you prepare properly before your job interview and say the right things during the meeting, you are likely to impress recruiters. Saying the wrong things minimizes your odds of getting a call back, so make sure you know what you're going to say and which words and phrases to avoid during your interview.

Photo courtesy of Ambro at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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