Why You Should Hire Military Spouses

Hailey Jiang
Posted by in Human Resources

Military spouses are an often overlooked group when it comes to hiring, with an unemployment rate of 34%. Despite their frequent moves, military spouses often have unique experiences and perspectives that come from moving around frequently. Here’s why you should hire military spouses.

1. They’re highly educated

According to recent research, military spouses are often more educated than the average American. Around 34% of them have a bachelor’s degree, while 15% have a postgraduate degree. Furthermore, 80% of service spouses surveyed by Hiring Our Heroes said they have pursued additional training or education. This commitment to learning and professional development means that military spouses bring a high level of expertise and knowledge to the workplace.

2. Cultural awareness

Military family members often have heightened cultural awareness and sensitivity. Military families move 2.4x times more often than normal families, moving on average every two to three years. They also move across state lines 10 times more than civilian families. Many military spouses have also lived overseas, in places such as Japan and Germany. This gives them a unique cultural perspective that many others don’t have. They also likely know multiple languages and are familiar with different cultures.

3. Varied skill sets

Moving so often also gives service spouses varied skill sets. For one thing, they’re very organized. On average, the military gives spouses a four weeks notice about a new move. This means that partners have four weeks to pack up their belongings, sell their current house, and find a new one in an entirely different location. This is on top of their other duties, such as their current job, maintaining their budget, and possibly raising children. Given their numerous moves, military spouses are also very adaptable, able to move to and live in many different locations across the globe. While many employers worry over the resume gaps of service spouses, this time is often well spent. Many spouses use this time to their advantage, furthering their education, obtaining other certifications, or doing volunteer work.

Military spouses represent a highly skilled and uniquely qualified talent pool that is often overlooked. Their frequent moves give them invaluable skills such as adaptability, resilience, and organization. They know how to use their time wisely and are often very ambitious. By hiring military spouses, employers not only gain dedicated and capable employees but also support a community that makes significant sacrifices for their country. Embracing the opportunity to hire military spouses can lead to a more culturally aware and resilient workforce, ultimately benefiting the entire company.


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