Managers look at multiple factors when deciding whether to hire a job candidate, but finding the perfect fit for the company and position in question takes top priority. Even if you have the right credentials, a polished resume and practiced interview skills, hiring managers want to know you're the right one for the job. Here are three major points they consider when making that assessment.
A Fit With the Office Culture
During the interview, managers often ask questions to discern whether the job candidate's preferences and work style matches the company culture. If a job candidate likes to move fast and take risks but the organization is older and established, he may not mesh well with the company culture. Even if the candidate is a competent worker, this dissonance can cause frustration down the road for both the employee and the company.
Carefully research the company before heading into the interview to decide whether it's a good fit for you, and ask your own questions to let hiring managers know you've thought about the culture fit. For instance, mention what you know about the culture from your research, and then talk about your own work style, asking if there would be any problems.
Previous Experience
The right degree can open plenty of doors, but many managers consider previous experience to be a more accurate measure of future success. Job candidates with experience under their belts that has adequately prepared them for the position in question are more likely to be a good fit. Although success and achievements in a previous job are valuable, keep in mind that managers also want to know how you've solved problems, picked yourself up after failing, or remained positive in difficult situations. Before the interview, brainstorm a few situations from your previous job that could show you're a good fit.
Teamwork and Other Soft Skills
The right job candidate needs both job-specific skills and soft skills to impress a hiring manager. While leadership is often considered an essential soft skill, most managers just want to know that you work well as part of a team and have a desire to help others succeed, find solutions and improve. Self-development is also important. Managers value would-be employees who you can grow and improve alongside the organization. Take some time to evaluate your soft skills, picking out your strongest points. Think of concrete examples of how you've demonstrated those skills to bring up during the interview.
Hiring managers want to know that a job candidate has done the research and is applying because he believes he has found the perfect job fit. To demonstrate this, explain how you would mesh with the company culture, have the right experience and possess the right soft skills to excel in your new job. After all, finding the right job fit is in everyone's best interest.
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