What To Do When Interview Anxiety Is Holding Back Your Career

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Career Advice

Job interview anxiety can prevent you from landing a dream job, but it could also hurt your long-term career. The difficulty is that nerves, stress and anxiety may destroy any confidence you have ahead of the interview. Once your confidence goes, interviewers can typically sense your nervousness, which could ruin your chances of getting a great job despite your stellar credentials.

If this anxiety keeps holding you back during an interview, it's time to fix it and get your career on the right track. Get rid of any negative self-talk that degrades your own value. Recognize that everyone goes through a job interview process, so you're not alone. You're not the only one who has lost a job or failed at some important task.

Look confident on the outside during an interview, even if your mind does not feel calm. Take a deep breath before you speak. Clasp your hands together so you do not fidget. Think positive throughout the interview, even if you talk about negative things. Sometimes, maintaining a positive outlook overcomes a negative situation in an interview.

Get some extra help as you try to master various interview techniques. Read books, delve into career coaching websites, talk to a trained psychologist or ask a career coach what to do. If you are a visual learner, watch videos created by career coaches that demonstrate how to exude confidence and beat any feelings of anxiety. You have endless possibilities when it comes to assistance. The key is that you want to feel comfortable and confident in a job interview.

Job interview anxiety does not have to ruin your career. When you take steps to turn your nervousness into confidence, your anxiety may become less of a problem and more of an asset.

Photo Courtesy of ImageryMajestic at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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