What Supervisors Need to Know About Attendance Management

John Krautzel
Posted by in Management & Business

In order to maintain a healthy and productive working environment, workplace supervisors need to concentrate on preventing workplace absenteeism and problems with employee turnover. The cost of missed work days directly affects a company's bottom line in terms of staff motivation, training, rescheduling and lost production time.

Therefore, if you are a workplace supervisor who is directly responsible for hiring and firing employees as well as communicating with them regularly, you need to know how to directly address any issues concerning absenteeism in the workplace.

According to an article that appeared on the Benefits Interface site, attendance management is an essential tool in managing employees and eliminating workplace absenteeism. According to the Canadian firm, which specializes in attendance management and employee benefit plans, a problem with attendance usually only affects a small number of employees.

However, the ratio is far from being insignificant as efficiently addressing a problem with workplace absenteeism results in increased employee morale and a major jump in productivity. Those two components translate into a substantial increase in net revenue and a decided drop in employee turnover as well.

Absenteeism is defined as a failure of an employee to show up for work at a time that is not a vacation day, holiday or approved leave of absence. The excuses or reasons for workplace absenteeism are varied and numerous but basically are due to personal problems or sickness. However, what many employees don't reveal is the true reason behind their absenteeism.

Nexxt says the actual reasons for absenteeism include underappreciation, a poorly managed workplace and low pay. Therefore, workplace absenteeism can be reduced by the implementation of cost-efficient initiatives that incentivize employees.

For example, employee discontent can be eliminated by holding pizza parties for team members regularly or showing the workers you supervise your appreciation with something as simple as a handwritten thank you card.

Indeed, managers who learn how to communicate and demonstrate their appreciation find that any problems with workplace absenteeism eventually fade away. The goal is to focus on building employee morale and making sure the stronger members of your team are happy with their working conditions and their job. For example, if you cannot afford to give raises, you might try rewarding employees with additional vacation days, better benefits, free club memberships, or complimentary tickets to sporting events or concerts.

As a business takes on new employees, the likelihood of absenteeism in the workplace increases as well. Statistics show that women take off work more often than men and that single or younger employees are no-shows more frequently than older or married workers. Companies that hire union workers also experience higher rates of workplace absenteeism than firms that hire non-union employees.

Employees are the lifeblood of a company. Therefore, any increase in workplace absenteeism needs to be reviewed and addressed. Salaries, workplace communications and the administration of tasks should be considered and assessed. Communicate with your employees, and show them you care. Praise their performance and their hard work. Maintain a positive working atmosphere.


Photo courtesy of renjith krishnan at FreeDigitalPhotos.net



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