What Keeps You Up at Night?

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Management & Business

You earned the promotion from entry-level worker to middle management after putting in long hours of hard work and consistently walking the company line. The new manager position can be both exciting and full of trepidation. The extra pay is nice, but along with more money comes more responsibility and a greater risk of failure.

A new manager such as yourself has plenty of questions to ask as you start your new job. Do not be afraid to query your boss, your co-workers and supervisors with a similar rank as to what you should do in your new position. Instead of facing your challenge alone, get advice from others to make your transition to a supervisory role easier.

What does your boss expect of you? This question relates to both your stated job duties and implied expectations among those in your department. Find out the most pressing issues within your team, and solve them first. Get feedback about what you need to do in order to be a successful unit as quickly as possible. Ask your boss what keeps him awake at night as he frets over issues at the office.

As a new manager, you need to find out how you fit into the company's overall picture. Read mission statements, company organizational charts and the employee handbook. Determine what you need to do to make your firm profitable by asking how you fit into the company puzzle. Learn as much as possible, and soak up as much of the company culture as you can. Leave your old job behind, and master your new position by becoming part of the team rather than sitting above the team. Say "let's go" instead of telling your employees to "go, go, go."

What are the objectives of your employees? A new manager facilitates the goals of the unit and figures out how best to proceed. Like a football coach calling plays to the quarterback, you should know what measurable standards your employees are held accountable to. Help your team reach its goal by asking about clear objectives.

How do you get to know your employees? Over time, you develop a sense of how each individual works within the team. This leads to optimization of each person's talents for the best possible outcome. When someone drops the ball, you also have to figure out when to be heavy-handed versus forgiving. Exercise authority judiciously, carefully and according to your own style as the new manager.

What support can human resources give you? The HR manager is your best resource outside of your direct supervisor. When you see one of your team members going through a difficulty, consult with the experts in your firm. The human resources department may also lend a hand with regards to training opportunities for your employees in order to expand their knowledge.

A new manager needs to make friends fast because those colleagues can offer honest advice. Know what questions to ask when you first arrive on the scene, and earn the respect of your peers. This respect leads to better teamwork, life-long friendships and increased productivity.

Photo courtesy of stockimages at FreeDigitalPhotos.net



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