Whether you're looking for a career change, a new challenge or simply trying to get back into work, trying to land yourself a job interview can be incredibly tough. It may seem like you're hitting a dead end on many occasions, and that could be because there are a few things in your application that are holding you back.
Landing that job interview sometimes comes down to the most minor of details, and those details could mean the difference between you and another candidate. The first thing to consider when working out why you're not getting a job interview is your "digital footprint."
Your digital footprint is everything relating to you that's present on the Internet, and it's something employers look at when people are job hunting. Social media is an important aspect of your digital footprint, and you need to be wary of how you use it. Companies and organizations browse through your social media history to see if there's anything there that should put them off — such as explicit language. So if you're not being social-media savvy when job hunting, then don't expect a positive phone call asking you in for the next stage.
It's also important to tighten up your experience and qualifications. Too much fluff on your resume or cover letter could halt you from getting that all-elusive job interview, and could send you back to square one. Make sure everything you suggest to prospective employers is accurate and relevant to the job for which you're applying.
Make sure you're forging relationships on social media, too, as it's important to show that you're building up a professional portfolio. LinkedIn is a fantastic place to start; if you connect with plenty of people who are involved with the industry you're targeting, you may find the job interviews start coming in thick and fast.
Another thing that could be holding you back from getting a job interview is the simplest mistakes. When you're sending out resumes and cover letters on a ferocious job hunt, be sure that all your spelling and grammar is on the money. Imagine if an employer picked up a resume and noticed you were littering your application with basic errors? You certainly won't be considered for interviews, that is for sure. Eliminating the basic mistakes can get you in for job interviews in no time.
It can be tough to convince potential employers that you're the right person for the job. Being rejected over and over again for job interviews can sap your confidence, but don't give up. If you tighten up your application and refine your digital activity, you may find yourself sitting in front of potential employers before you know it.
Photo courtesy of imagerymajestic at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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