Depending on the product line(s) being represented,
“reps” (representatives) are oft times referred to as agents. Many “reps” and or agents service more than one product line or multi brands to a retail business. Large brands, such as Nike may have one “rep” responsible for a small account and may have several “reps,” each responsible for a category of products for their large accounts. There are also independent “reps” that secure rights from manufacturers or brands to represent the product offerings of those businesses.
Relationships, particularly for small chains or “one store” operations are tantamount to getting the best value and service from these individuals. All this terminology is only metaphorical for the term “salespeople” as that is the bottom line! They have a product to sell and you may (or may not) need the product! The objective of this article and Part II is to offer attributes of what the outstanding “reps” and agents do for the retailer with the ultimate goal of surpassing the mere essentials of their service and surpassing the expectations of their clients!
My experience in working with individual store owners, small chains, regional, and even a few national chains in various capacities is that the benefits, services offered and even price structure vary greatly depending on the “rep” or agent the business chooses to work with to procure products!
The axiom of “you don't know unless you ask” needs to be the order of the day when negotiating with these literal “salespeople!” Always remember that their income depends on what the retailer buys! The bottom line is a small order, or discounted price is better than no order at all and their livelihood is contingent on that “fact of business life!”
Recently I was gleaning one of the many sales bulletins I receive. One of the articles talked about sales reps that go the extra mile.
I decided to write an article in my own words regarding what else “star” reps can do to generate sales and build a customer base. Therefore "reps" can garner what a retailer may expect and the business owner, Things to ask for to add value to their relationship!In a competitive environment the “suitcase of samples” and “order taking” routines that most reps choose as their job requirements, isn’t enough to keep your business growing!
Part Two of this piece, next week, will outline some of those things a retail business should expect and if not received, needs to be part of the dialoge between the two parties!
We hope you found this introduction interesting and will “tune in” next week to learn more!Randy Snyder is a weekly contributor to Salesheads and specializes in all areas of retail. His knowledge comes from 35 years of sales and management experience along with 10 years of national and international consulting including franchise development! Contact him for information at (p) 828 625 4932 or e mail @
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