Using Social Media to Gain More Clients

Gina Deveney
Posted by in Accounting, Auditing & Tax

Adding clients to your roster is something you might be thinking about, but beyond those you already have, you might not know where to start. You could ask your current clients for referrals, but whether they follow through is a gamble. Social media on the other hand, is a method that can bring you a growing client base of brand new people who aren't connected to others you have.

To utilize social media to your advantage, start a business or corporation page on Facebook, and then keep your personal info off that page. Your business page should contain information that pertains to your business but at the same time allows your clients and potential clients to feel as if you’re human. Wish a happy holiday to current clients to make them feel appreciated, or add some other sort of anecdote to show that even though you're operating a serious business, you do like to reach out and connect in deeper ways.

While you're creating a Facebook presence for your business, do the same on Twitter and LinkedIn. These social media entities can bring potential customers to your doorstep, or at least your email, in the blink of an eye.

Invite everyone you know to like, connect or follow your social media pages. Take advantage of special promotion offers to promote your page to others. Add a link to your pages on your website and add links to your email signature. If you attend a business meeting or networking event, connect with the people you meet after the event via their business cards to invite them to your pages.

Once you have created accounts on the biggest social media sites, work them daily to grab attention. Create status updates, share articles, promote your specials and send out tweets throughout the day to help get your business in front of those who are looking for your services. Keep them light-hearted and upbeat.

Respond to people as they ask questions. Depending on how busy you are, you may need to schedule a specific time to sit down and go through all your accounts to reply to questions or comments. If this is not possible, delegate this task to someone in your organization. Above all, don't leave questions or comments on unanswered.

Engage readers by searching through news feeds to see what people are looking for and what types of questions they're asking others. Create content, or delegate that task to others, so that potential clients see you as the expert who can handle all their needs.

In the end, social media is the ultimate method of promoting your business that lets you connect with customers on a deeper level. Begin using these platforms to build your client list and then notice how much your business grows.


Photo courtesy of bplanet at



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