Try These Tips to be Happier at Work

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Career Advice

You work more than 92,000 hours over your life from your teenage years to retirement age. Since you spend so much time at the office, you may as well be happier at work by creating a positive atmosphere.

Having a cheerful attitude increases your productivity, motivation and energy level at the office. Try some of these tips to make you happier at work and see what happens.

Find Your Morning Routine

Get plenty of rest the night before and wake up a little early each morning so you do not feel rushed heading to the office. This gives you time to make a healthy breakfast, get in a morning workout and feel relaxed as you start your day. Feeling happier at work begins with your morning routine.

Surround Yourself With Positive People

Become friends with the most positive people at the office. This helps create harmony with your co-workers, but it also increases your productivity as well as those of your buddies. Lively employees pass that cheerful attitude onto others. When this occurs, everyone feels more comfortable and at ease in the office's positive atmosphere. See what happens to everyone's go-getting attitude after your brand of happiness spreads.


You can learn a lot simply by listening to others. The more you learn, the more you earn, and earning includes money, respect, trust and friendship from others at work. When you learn about others, you understand people better and get to know them. That, in turn, fosters harmonious work relationships that lead to more pleasant interactions at the office.

Celebrate Small Victories

Although the end of a project is a huge accomplishment, do not forget to celebrate small, incremental steps along the way. Recognize that your victories make a difference, and your mini-celebrations make everyone happier at work and not just yourself.

Keep Down the Whine

When something bothers you at work, talk to someone who can do something about it. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a foul mood. Get out of your funk as soon as you can before your productivity suffers.

Treat Your Body Right

Eating well and regular exercise boosts your mood, energy levels and motivation, all of which combine to improve your quality of life. Being happier at work starts with how you treat yourself at home and at meal times.

Sleep Better

Just as your morning routine is important, so are your nightly rituals. Sit back, unwind and relax after your day is done. Cuddle up to a good book, talk to your family or chat with your best friend as you unwind. Try turning off all electronic devices for at least one hour before you go to bed so your brain has time to desensitize from the electronic stimulation. A good night's sleep gets you ready for the next day.

Staying happier at work over the long term has many benefits including less stress and anxiety. Additionally, your cheerful nature spills over into your time away from the office and into your personal life.

Photo courtesy of Adnan Islam at


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