Try These Strategies for More Qualified Candidates

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Management & Business

As a hiring manager, you are given the important task of hiring employees who possess the necessary skills and experience for open positions. However, it can be challenging to find applicants who fit with the company culture and subscribe to the mission and goals of your firm. When the candidate pool is declining, consider these hiring strategies to attract the best of the best within the industry.

Opt for a Trackable Posting System

Companies commonly put job advertisements in newspapers, on job boards and within the community when hiring employees, but it is crucial to see the results of your postings. With advanced technology, you can subscribe to online employment services geared toward your specific industry. Many software programs allow you to track the number of applicants, the qualifications of candidates and the views of your advertisement to determine if this service is producing the talent pool your company needs.

Focus on Branding

Attract more qualified candidates when hiring employees by boosting the company's image and brand. Word of mouth is one of the most powerful hiring strategies, which is why your current employees can aid in attracting qualified talent. Focus on making the workplace positive with a strong and cohesive company culture that naturally attracts professionals to your firm. Think about how you can offer perks, benefits and group activities to enhance the internal culture that brands your business as a company focused on employee enrichment. Offer professional development workshops, encourage your employees to give industry-related presentations within the community, and get your firm's name on the map to bring awareness of not just your products and services but also your work environment.

Revise Your Job Descriptions

If you are not attracting skilled and experienced applicants, analyze the job description you use when hiring employees. Include keywords that are relevant to the job but also commonly used in online searches related to your industry. Tweak the required qualifications and avoid using vague language. Candidates are seeking jobs where they can excel and utilize their skills. A specific job description offers the information they need to make a decision about applying while analyzing their experience and skill set.

Test Applicant Skills

Avoid spending too much time interviewing candidates who claim to have the experience needed for the position. Instead, implement a skills test that provides tangible proof of knowledge of the industry, proficiency with equipment or software, and leadership and sales approaches. When hiring employees, department managers need to know the applicant has the necessary training. A skills test can pinpoint the candidate's strengths and weaknesses.

The process of hiring employees is challenging when you are not attracting a qualified pool of applicants. Ramp up your efforts by rebranding your company, marketing the company culture, and specifying the skills and experience required for the open positions.

Photo Courtesy of Ambro at


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