If you’re just starting your nursing career, you know the value of being informed and having the most current information at your fingertips. To help you stay on top of the latest medical developments, you should avail yourself of AANP’s new Education Toolkits. Each is designed to keep today’s nurse practitioners up to speed on important health issues and to assist them in educating their patients. The toolkits come in several forms—hardcopy, PDF online, and two-page PDF handouts. Here’s what’s currently available:
Heart Matters: Living with Atrial Fibrillation. Created by expert NPs to support your education of patients at-risk or diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, each kit includes references and "talking points" for clinicians. Virtual copies of the patient flipchart and tear sheet handout are available for download.
Safety Matters: Pediatric Medication Safety. Designed to support the education of patients' parents and caregivers, this kit helps you properly administer medications to young children safely and to secure medications. It includes flipcharts and accompanying tear sheets, which are available by order. Electronic copies may be downloaded.
Pathway to Better Health. Created to help you educate patients about leading health risks and actions they can take to improve their health, this kit includes an educational flipchart. The online version of the teen health document is available for download. Only the "patient view" is included in this version. A two-page handout can be used to reinforce key messages from the flipchart.
Fibromyalgia. This toolkit provides information on fibromyalgia for healthcare providers and patients/consumers. It includes PDFs of a Fibromyalgia Pamphlet for HCPs and a Fibromyalgia Pamphlet for Patients/Consumers.
Roadmap to Teen Health. Created to promote disease prevention, this kit is geared toward a generally healthy but at-risk group who only seek health care for acute, episodic complaints. According to the AAP Committee on Adolescence, few teens get the recommended counseling, screening and prevention they need. Current toolkit materials include a PDF of a Virtual Roadmap to Teen Health Flipchart and a PowerPoint Roadmap to Teen Health. The online version of the teen health document can be downloaded.
Living with COPD. Created by clinical experts, this toolkit was designed to support you in counseling patients diagnosed with or at risk for COPD. A preventable and treatable disease, COPD has recently ranked as the third leading cause of death in the U.S. This version can be downloaded and used on your computer or portable device. A "virtual flipchart" is available.
NPs play an increasingly significant role in educating and monitoring patients. "For example, are patients taking their blood pressure medicine and if not, why not? If they are smoking, will they participate in a tobacco-cessation program? Brief interventions can be effective in changing one health behavior or multiple risk behaviors that contribute to disease," said Robert Wooten, president of the American Academy of Physician Assistants.
AANP’s valuable toolkits can help you become a better, more informed healthcare professional, one who cares about improving the lives of those under your care.
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