The impression you leave during job interviews is key in landing your dream job. Strive to impress potential employers with more than just stellar answers to interview questions. Dress to impress, arrive prepared and knowledgeable about the company, and let your professional personality shine to eliminate any doubt that you are a perfect fit for the position.
Candidates who prepare standard responses to interview questions that do not show originality or creativity tend to blend in with every other applicant. Stand out by thinking outside the box when rehearsing for job interviews. Focus on questions that are often dreaded, such as "What's your weakness?"
Acknowledge that you do have weak areas, and then recover by detailing how you work to overcome those weaknesses. A candidate who claims that he has no weakness may appear to be lying or cocky in the eyes of the interviewer. This can create distrust and cast a negative shadow on the rest of the interview process.
Hiring managers plan to ask you questions during job interviews, but they also expect you to have questions regarding the position and the company. Arrive prepared with a list of questions that show you have researched the business and have knowledge of the industry. Save your questions for the end of job interviews, and when asked, inquire about the company's culture, engage the interviewer by acknowledging company accomplishments and ask about how you can contribute to the team to preserve and increase productivity and profits. Interviewers are impressed when candidates can pinpoint the goals and mission of the business because it shows they have put the time and effort necessary into determining if the company and the position are a good fit for them personally and professionally.
Pay close attention to how you present yourself during job interviews to impress potential employers. Body language is important and speaks volumes about your personality, eagerness and professional nature. Remember that employees are often the face of a company, and hiring managers are seeking candidates who are able to impress potential clients and customers. Dress in professional attire, avoid wearing distracting or bright colors or jewelry, and be aware of fidgeting habits you may have that can indicate you are nervous or unprepared. Make eye contact, speak confidently, and allow your body to communicate that you are eager and excited about this job opportunity.
Employers are seeking individuals who mesh well with the company's culture and applicants who are invested in the mission and goals of the company. Job interviews give you limited time to communicate not only your skills and experience but also your personality and professionalism. Be prepared and armed with behavior and responses that leave the interviewer ready to offer you the job on the spot.
Photo courtesy of xianrendujia at
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