Tips for Interviewing

Posted by in Career Advice

If you are looking for a job, whether it's your first internship or your twentieth interview, you are bound to be nervous when it comes time to interview. If you are new to your field or to the work force in general, interviews can seem pretty daunting. But try to view it this way: you did something right by landing the interview, so be confident in your abilities.

I've read a plethora of advice on what to do and what not to do when called in for an interview. In my opinion, it's hard to know what to expect unless you've interviewed for that particular company before. Each interview is different and has individual challenges. There are standard tips to follow and I tend to agree with these. The most important is to do some research before the interview. It will help to know what the company's vision or mission statement is, how many employees there are, and what the position entails. If for any reason you can't find this information online, call the company and ask. This task might make you uncomfortable, but it is best to be uncomfortable now instead of unprepared when it's time for the interview. Remember that you want to stay as calm as possible and being prepared is the first step to achieving a state of calm.

This site provides more specific information if this is your first interview. If you are a recent graduate with no work experience in your field, it's important to rely on the experience you gained in the classroom, internships, and extracurricular activities. Interviewers are looking for someone who stands out from the crowd, so don't be afraid to share your accomplishments. Whatever happens with the job, if you do your best before and during the interview you will have something to be proud of.

Amy Muldoon graduated from Penn State University in 2005 and worked in corporate public relations for three years before returning to graduate school to become an English teacher. She is also a freelance writer for CollegeJobBank.Com. Her strengths include: drafting speeches, writing talking points for media interviews, making corporate presentations, and writing for publications. Read more of her blogs at Find jobs and other information at Nexxt.


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