Before you craft your resume, you need to figure out what goals your resume will help you achieve. Your resume shouldn’t just be a list of the tasks you performed over the years, it should instead be organized using assets that will help you stand out as a unique and capable employee. Here are three easy things you can do.
1. Facts & Figures
Regardless of the position you’re seeking, you should be using numbers. Doesn’t matter if you’re not in a position that uses data to track success, there’s always a way to incorporate numbers to demonstrate your contributions. How many customers do you help each day? How many projects you work on simultaneously? There are easy ways to quantify things you’d normally include in a resume as a task in order to turn them into accomplishments. Hiring managers can then use these numbers to justify why they want to hire you.
2. Action (Words) Speak Louder Than Words
Use strong action words in your resume that are appropriate to the role you had. Use a variety of action verbs to make it interesting to read, industry specific, and complimentary of the corporate culture you are seeking. If the company you’d ideally like to work for is big on team work, use phrases that highlight the work you did as part of a team and tone down accomplishments about work you did on your own.
3. A Few Good Job Postings
Gather a few job postings for positions you’d like to apply for and craft your general resume using keywords in these job postings and achievements that would impress the hiring manager. This is a great way to ensure that you’re highlighting the right things on your resume, have some accomplishments that will set you apart from other applicants, and that you have the right skills for the types of jobs you’re seeking. Remember, you don’t need to have all the requirements to apply to a job…just most.
These three easy things can drastically help your resume stand out among the competition. And what’s interesting—none of them are secrets or new tips! They’re out there for anyone to use, but many people don’t take the time to edit their resume, so by simply reading this, you’re already ahead of the game.
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