Renovo handcrafts some eco-friendly bikes

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Retail

Renovo has just put out a series of handcrafted wooden bikes. Two thousand dollar handcrafted wooden bikes, I may add. Renovo, a family-owned business, has a wide variety of eco-friendly bike options including walnut, cedar, hickory, and bamboo. A bike made out of wood? Hrmm.

A few years ago I had an accident that nearly destroyed my right knee. I walked with crutches for months and a cane for more than a year after the accident. That being said, the idea of riding on a bicycle freaks me out a little bit. I have a hard time stepping off the last step of the bus onto the curb let alone trying to stop a speeding bike at full tilt. And a wooden bicycle? I’m going to have to trust that they can be just as good as standard bikes.

While you won’t catch me on one, I think these could be pretty popular with some of my bike-happy friends. What do you think?


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By: Bambi Blue

Bambi Blue is a freelance writer, editor, and codemonkey living in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. She moonlights as a jazz musician, a social butterfly, and most apparently a weisenheimer. Loves to cook, hates to clean, and can easily be found on Twitter.

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