Real Google Goggles Coming Soon

Posted by in Technology

Google Goggles is a super cool search feature that many people aren't even aware of. If you haven't used it before, here's how it works. If you take a photo of something, typically by using your mobile phone, Google can tell you what it is and do a search for it. During a recent trip to Washington, D.C, I found Google Goggles to be particularly helpful. I got turned around at the National Mall, and I wasn't sure which Smithsonian museum was in front of me. Google maps wasn't helpful because it couldn't tell me which direction I was facing. To solve the problem, I took a picture of the building directly in front of me using Google Goggles. Immediately, Google Goggles identified the building and gave me the address. From there, I was able to get accurate directions from that building.

There are many uses for this unique search product, but according to a report by The New York Times, Google is working on making actual, real, Google Goggles. It seems far fetched, but the augmented reality glasses appear to be a new product in development. According to the Time's source:

"...the glasses will go on sale to the public by the end of the year.

These people said they are expected “to cost around the price of current

smartphones,” or $250 to $600.

The people familiar with the Google glasses said they would be

Android-based, and will include a small screen that will sit a few

inches from someone’s eye. They will also have a 3G or 4G data

connection and a number of sensors including motion and GPS."

The glasses, while not intended for continual use, will have a navigation system that can be controlled using head motions. The idea is to have the glasses constantly feeding data to Google and giving suggestions, directions and more information at the nod of a head.

Already the idea of the Google Goggles is raising some questions about privacy and how Google will access the information they receive about user habits and how this will impact advertising. Some have suggested that Google has finally found a way to place relevant ad into real life.

It remains to be seen what they will come out with, but in the meantime, it's fun to imagine what it would be like to have Terminator style glasses that analyse everything and how many apps would be developed to help people sort through work life, social interactions or even watching movies.

What do you think about the real Google Goggles? Would you ever purchase smart glasses? Please share your thoughts in the comments.



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