Profiles of Top Sales Leaders - Part 2 of 2

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Sales

The Third critical factor to a Top Sales Leader's success is values. A person’s values tell us why an individual will want to do the job. In other words, what rewards they expect and those cultures they are seeking on the job. We have identified three key values.

1. Utilitarian or Economic:
Sales and management positions require strong “people orientation,” versus task
oriented Positions. These type positions necessitate dealing with multiple
interruptions on a Regular basis maintaining friendly interaction with others
2. Versatility:
Success in sales positions is tantamount with a high level of optimism and
a “can do” approach to business. Success also requires a myriad of talents
with willingness to adopt them to changing situations as needed.
3. Frequent Change:
Sales and Management positions require being comfortable with “juggling many
balls in the air at the same time!” At times, it is necessary to be able to
leave unimportant or irrelevant tasks unfinished moving easily on to new and
more important tasks with little or no notice.

This article and part one published on Thursday 7/1, should give you a clear understanding of the attributes, behavior and values that successful salespeople possess and apply to their business activities. In that this piece is directed to management, take the time and ask yourself this about your sales staff:(a) Do you recognize these critical success factors in your sales staff? If not, you need a plan to develop them.
(b)Are you measuring results and talent in your sales team? You cannot manage either unless you measure them!
(c)If the answer is no, you need to develop both measurement systems and milestones along with the afore-mentioned development programs.

It is no a simple process, but take the initiative with these suggestions to get you started:
Run a talent profile on yourself along with your staff. Match the results to the
benchmarks outlined in this article and Part one, published on 7/1!

It is imperative that you recognize the talents within your organization, thus the reason for taking the profile yourself as this will expand on your ability to recognize those benchmarks! Of course you may chose to do this on a confidential basis as a pre cursor to the staff profiles, but essential for the process to be effective.

In closing your organization may be constantly missing sales and profit targets or currently enjoying varying degrees of success. However, the competition and your client’s needs are constantly evolving. The key to staying abreast of both is to be assessing your organization and their talent and developing and sharpening those talents necessary to optimum success!

By: Randy L. Snyder

Randy is a regular contributor to Salesheads. His experience encompasses over 35 years in specialty retailing including 4 national chains and two international concerns. His expertise encompasses sales, buying, franchising, merchandising, budgeting and many other aspects of retailing and business! Currently he is a Retail consultant.

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