Make Professional Contacts Through These Venues

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

In the working world, having the right professional contacts is just as important as having the right knowledge and skills. Your qualifications can get you in the door, but quality professional contacts can help you advance through the ranks at your current company or identify new opportunities in other organizations. If you aren't sure how to build relationships with other professionals, follow these networking tips.

Ask people in your network to introduce you to industry leaders. Because they are aware of your professional background and personal interests, your current professional contacts are in the best position to help you form new business relationships. Make it easy for friends and colleagues to make the right introductions by using LinkedIn to compile a list of people you really want to meet. Then ask mutual contacts to introduce you or pass along your resume.

Attend relevant events to make it easier to meet new people. You aren't likely to make new professional contacts by hiding in your office or spending all of your free time at home. Make valuable connections by attending networking meetings, trade shows, industry conferences and other professional events related to some aspect of your job. If you are worried about the cost of attending such events, ask your employer to reimburse you for some of the expenses you incur. Your boss might be willing to pay for your conference registration or reimburse you for workshop attendance as long as the event is relevant to your job in some way.

Send cold emails to people at other companies. If you don't share any professional contacts with a person you really want to meet, write an introductory email summarizing your experience in the industry and requesting a meeting. Explain how meeting you would benefit the other person. For example, you might have specialized knowledge to share. If possible, connect with the other person via social media before you send your introductory email.

Join groups related to your hobbies or other personal interests. You don't have to think about work 24/7, but you should always be looking for ways to meet new professional contacts. Everyone needs a little time to blow off steam, so you might meet valuable contacts at events that have nothing to do with your job. Make yourself more visible to potential contacts by joining a hiking group, attending local symphony performances or taking up amateur photography. Just make sure you have a genuine interest in the hobby. Attending private parties hosted by colleagues and friends is also a good way to meet new people.

Following these networking tips is a great way to add people to your network and raise your profile in a particular industry. If you are genuinely helpful and have respect for other people's time, you should have no problem building a robust network of professional contacts.

Photo courtesy of jscreationsz at



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