Keeping Motivated During the Summertime

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

Staying motivated at work isn't always easy, especially during the summer months. Everywhere you look, it seems people are going on vacation or spending their afternoons at the pool. Unfortunately, not everyone has the luxury of taking time off during the summer. If you're having a hard time focusing on your work, follow these tips to increase your summer motivation and keep your career on track.

Explore new productivity techniques to increase your output and avoid slacking off during the summer. Several mobile apps are available for people who need help staying motivated, but maybe you prefer the old-fashioned paper-and-pencil method. If you do, start using a daily to-do list. Checking off each item feels incredibly rewarding, and keeping a master list can also help you prevent tasks from falling through the cracks. Spend a few minutes creating your to-do list for the next day before you leave the office each night.

If you have trouble staying motivated, it might be time for a new challenge at work. The best way to challenge yourself really depends on your work environment. If you work in an ultra-competitive industry such as sales, get your colleagues involved. See who can make the most sales in one day or bring in the most new leads in one week. Make things interesting by creating a leaderboard and updating the stats regularly. If you work alone or if your colleagues aren't all that competitive, turn each task into a mini challenge. Set a timer and see how long it takes you to file all the paperwork on your desk, or see if it's possible to finish your next report in less than an hour.

Many people have trouble staying motivated because they don't set firm boundaries. If this applies to you, do a little experiment. Tell yourself that working after 6:00 p.m. is forbidden, or make it a personal rule not to check your office email on weekends. Getting away from work for a few hours at a time is a great way to recharge. When you aren't working, participate in some fun summer activities such as treating yourself to ice cream or attending a baseball game.

If your boss dictates your work hours, try switching up your routine. Staying motivated is difficult when you follow the same routine day in and day out. Instead of doing paperwork in the morning, try doing it after lunch. If you usually check in with your customers in the afternoon, try doing it in the morning. An added benefit of changing your routine is you might be able to connect with customers who aren't in the office when you usually make calls.

Maintaining your summer motivation isn't an easy thing, but it's necessary for professional success. If staying motivated during the summer is difficult for you, try switching up your routine, setting new boundaries or using a to-do list to manage your work.

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