IT vendors are slow to adopt Social Media

Technology Staff Editor
Posted by in Technology

Tech professionals have shown again that they are not jumping on the social media bandwagon just yet. Despite their technical day to day interactions, only 1/3 of IT vendors are utilizing sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. A study shows that only 34% of these vendors know how to correctly and effectively use these tools in their business transactions. Less than half of the vendors that are using social media know how to track revenue, acquisition rates and the success or failure of these vehicles. Seems like everyone is experimenting with all types of social media, but it may be a while until they reap the full benefits of integrating it into their marketing and communication plans.

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  • Janaya
    Got it! Thanks a lot for helping me out!
  • IT Training
    IT Training
    That's true. Social media has a big part now in the IT industry.
  • KerryO
    Could it also be that IT pros recognize better than most the dangers lurking in & around the social sites? I avoid them - personally & professionally. Sadly, I also recognize the 'potential for profit' these aites & activities present to their members.
  • Dev
    Yes you are correct nowadays most of the technical people have no idea about the social media sites such as FaceBook LinkedIn they just create a profile and leave it, but in the upcoming years this social media marketing is going to play a big role in the It industry

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