How to Teach Your Employees to Give Outstanding Service

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Many companies and organizations like the idea of providing their own employee customer service training and coaching. By designating a team of people to deliver a customized program for your organization, you can go a long way in creating the type of service culture you need to be successful. It is important to have more than one person be responsible for this important function. The reason is that if you only have one person, and he or she leaves, you have no one to deliver the training and coaching.

Employee Training
By having a customer service training and coaching function, this builds into your organization an expectation of service excellence. As new employees are hired, they can easily be trained and brought up to the same competence level of more experienced employees.

Create Your Training Library
There are many different types of learning materials that can be purchased and used by your company trainers. A quick Google search will supply you with hundreds to choose from. If you don’t have one already, a training library should be established at your company. It should include a wide variety of learning tools that will help you reinforce the knowledge and skill sets you wish your employees to possess. Some of these can include, books, monthly newsletters in hard copy and electronic format, cd’s, Mp3 downloads, online webinars and teleseminars.

Hire a Consultant
Hiring a consultant from time to time is an excellent way to have an outsider come in and reinforce the customer service message you need to have communicated throughout your organization. Many times, having an expert‘s input can add a valuable perspective to the approach you are taking to direct your customer service initiative.

So, by providing a structured approach to delivering ongoing customer service training and coaching to your employees, can be the difference between gaining customers or losing them.

If you are interested in a better career in customer service visit

Tom Borg is president of Tom Borg Consulting, LLC. He is a business consultant, speaker, coach and author. He helps companies and organizations become more profitable by attracting and retaining their clients and customers.

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