How to Reduce Stress in The Workplace

Julie Shenkman
Posted by in Management & Business

Employees are feeling more stressed than ever and it’s clear that their stress has an impact on the corporation they work for—regardless of if the stress comes directly from work or an outside source. Negative impacts of stress include a lack of interest in the work, trouble focusing, and a lack of effort put into the work that’s to be done. 

While business success relies on employee retention, employers need to acknowledge the mental health of their employees. Stress at work is likely to lead to an employee seeking another job, but there are things employers can do to reduce stress in the workplace, starting with…

1. Offering Flexible Hours. Having some semblance of control of their work schedule helps employees feel happier than those who do not. Flexible hours could ease the commute, ensure households begin the day with a positive start, or that family routines in the evening run smoothly. Whatever the reason, it’s known that flexible work hours are appreciated—it is the third most important aspect of work after a positive work environment and competitive pay.

2. Encourage the Use of Paid Time Off. Time off to recharge is important, but if employees feel that it is frowned upon by their employer to use that time, it can make things in the workplace tense. Managers should be clear that team members are encouraged to use their time and should also take the time themselves to model that behavior. 

3. The Ability to Work Remotely. If it’s a job that can easily be done from home, allow employees the option to do so. It doesn’t have to be every day that they work from home; a hybrid work environment is very welcome. Being able to save money and time commuting to work or having the option to take care of personal obligations from home while working (like getting their kids off the bus after school) is a significant stress reliever. With things like gasoline and daycare even more expensive than ever—the ability to relieve some of those costs by working remotely is very appreciated by employees. 

4. Encourage a Healthy Workplace. This includes encouraging employees to take care of themselves, making it easy for them to receive medical care, encouraging healthy lifestyles—it can be as simple as urging employees to take breaks or providing access to a fitness center. As we know exercise produces endorphins that make people happy, so it’s a win-win.

5. Keep a Pulse on What Employees Need. Different departments may have different things that cause undue stress to their roles. Stay in the know, by frequently asking employees what they need. What can make them more efficient? By surveying different departments, it may be very clear that what works for one team doesn’t for another. Instead of guessing what people need, have clear conversations and collect data, to really know what can make many employees happy and less stressed. 

Fostering a low-stress workplace is imperative for any forward-thinking organization and prioritizing the well-being of employees is key. These thoughtful strategies can help any organization reach their goals and nurture a great corporate culture.


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