How to Know When You're Not Being a Great Boss

Joseph Stubblebine
Posted by in Management & Business

Running a successful business places a myriad of responsibilities on your shoulders, but developing an effective management style is perhaps the single most important priority. As the boss of your business, you set the tone for the entire team. If you fail to encourage your workers and foster healthy communication among your staff, your business suffers the unpleasant repercussions. Use the following simple steps to keep your company headed on the right track.

First, it is essential to understand your staff members on an individual basis. In most cases, your staff consists of a wide assortment of different personalities. In order to apply effective management techniques to the group as a whole, you need to spend time speaking with the individual staff members to better comprehend their personal working style and their approach to their workplace responsibilities.

Once you establish a relationship with your workers, focus on staying up to date on the various tasks your workers undertake. Make an effort to check in with your employees regularly, and encourage your staff to share their frustrations with you. A good boss is not only aware of what is taking place in the business, but he or she also pays close attention to how problems and challenges resolve themselves. Use this information to develop effective management strategies over the long haul.

Not only must you make yourself available to your employees, but you must equip your team with the tools they need to take ownership of their work. If you do not give your staff freedom to express their own creativity and contribute in a meaningful way, you are not living up to your responsibilities as a good boss. Instead, create an effective management strategy that rewards your staff members for using their creativity and passion.

As the boss, you also need to concern yourself with the various dilemmas and disagreements that arise within the workplace. Provide an open ear to your employees and encourage them to share with you, but maintain a firm and direct approach when confronting problems. While it feels easier to stick your head in the sand during conflict, this is not an effective management approach. Work to address problems as they arise, as this allows your team to move forward and focus on more pressing matters.

Managing a team of employees takes hard work and discipline. With time, you are bound to learn to better understand your team workers, which provides you with the key resources needed to cultivate a supportive, productive workplace. Above all else, carefully weigh your decision when adding to your team or releasing workers from their responsibilities. Carefully piecing together a harmonious group of employees is one of the most effective management tools available.


(Photo courtesy of stockimages /


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