How To Quit and Keep It Classy

Alexander Richardson
Posted by in Career Advice

Leaving a job isn’t always easy, but there is a right and wrong way to do it. No matter why you’re leaving, make sure to be as respectful as possible. Don’t try and make a scene by being dramatic, even if you don’t like any of your co-workers or the job itself. Here are some tips to leave your job on a positive note.

1. Don’t burn bridges

When leaving a job, always make sure to leave on a positive note. Give your two weeks’ notice, have a good attitude when talking to your boss about why you’re leaving. Be honest about the issues that you had with the work environment (if there were any) and be as civil as possible about it.

2. Face to face

Don’t quit over the phone or by e-mail, make sure to do it face to face or over video chat (as we’re living in that time). Doing it upfront is far more professional and respectful. Don’t drag it out, do it as soon as your plans are sorted, so that everyone involved has ample time to think about what has to happen next. After speaking with your boss in person that is when you should put your resignation in writing.

3. Be grateful for the opportunity

During the talk with your boss and in your resignation letter, make sure to express your gratitude for working there. It’s a part of keeping good graces. Even if you’re experience was unpleasant, learning to keep a professional demeanor will help you in future situations.

4. Don’t make a scene

Don’t rehearse a big speech to give to your boss and don’t try to make a fool of anyone. You’ll only end up making a fool of yourself. Some people try and make a big statement when they leave, but leaving is a statement on its own, and is the only statement you need to make.

5. Try not to leave the company stranded

If the company just obtained a large workload, offer your help in finding or training new employees. If you don’t want to leave your co-workers in a bad spot, maybe your notice doesn’t have to be two weeks, it can be more if that works with your future plans—try and offer your time until they’re in a (resonably) stable place. Your help will be greatly appreciated and noticed.

6. Don’t brag to your co-workers

Don’t parade around to your coworkers about you leaving your job for “better opportunities”. It will make you come off as self-centered and off-putting to your coworkers. If a coworker doesn’t feel the same way, you’re simply insulting them for staying.

7. Stand your ground, know what you want

Your boss may ask you to stay with the company, offering you more money and benefits to sway your opinion. Keep a firm grip on your decision to leave, and don’t let last-minute promises convince you to stay—unless that was your true intention. If you’re leaving to find a better work environment or to move forward with your career. Make decisions to improve yourself, not to stick around at a job that won’t advance your goals.


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