How Redefining Success Will Increase People’s Happiness at Work

Hailey Jiang
Posted by in Career Advice

In a 2023 study conducted by the American Psychological Association, 57% of people reported experiencing negative effects due to workplace related stress. Many reported emotional exhaustion, lack of motivation, and lowered productivity. However, 92% of people said that it’s important to them to work for a company that prioritizes their mental well-being. As a society, we place too much importance on work “success” and not enough on what it truly means to be successful. It’s time to redefine what we view as success in the workplace.

First of all, workplace success is not “success” if it requires you to sacrifice a great deal. Many people sacrifice time with their family and loved ones, vacations, and miss important events because they are so caught up in their work. To be truly successful, you need to have a healthy work-life balance. You should be able to take time off to travel and spend time with your family, while still being able to miss an unprecedented day here or there. If you work yourself to death trying to get that promotion or title, you won’t feel “successful” once you get it because you sacrificed so much. Let’s explore what you should consider when defining being successful.

1. Relationships and how you feel
As mentioned before, success isn’t truly success if you sacrifice everything that brings you joy in life. You should still be able to spend time with your friends and family, as well as have personal time to yourself. If your job makes you feel exhausted, irritable, and depressed, then it’s hard to feel truly successful. In reality, being successful means being happy with your job and your life. Furthermore, If you continually overwork yourself, you will eventually burn out. Constant burnout will lead to a loss of motivation. If you are truly successful, you won’t constantly lack motivation and feel burnt out. If you find yourself losing your passion, consider whether this job is really the one for you. Ask yourself, will you truly be happy at this job?

2. What you have learned about yourself?
Success isn't just about external achievements. It's also about personal growth and self-discovery. A key indicator of true success can be reflecting on what you've learned about yourself through your work. Have you developed new skills? Do you now have a deeper understanding of your strengths and weaknesses? Have you learned to navigate challenges and adapt to changing circumstances? Your job should challenge you to grow and learn.

3. Personal values and work environment
Another important aspect of redefining success in the workplace is ensuring that your work aligns with your personal values. Have you truly achieved workplace success if your job requires you to compromise your personal values or you find yourself engaging in activities that feel meaningless or unethical? Take a second and reflect on whether your current job allows you to stay true to your morals and contribute to something you believe in and are passionate about. Furthermore, your work environment should align with your needs and values as well. A supportive and positive work environment can enhance your productivity, creativity, and happiness. True workplace success means finding a place that truly supports and encourages you for who you are and enables you to work at your best.

It can be hard to redefine success when so many people believe having the highest salary and the most power is what defines “success.” However, there is so much more to success than that. Take a second to reflect on what you value the most and what will truly allow you to feel successful at work. You may find that money and titles are not the most important factor.


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