Harm Caused by Abusive Managers

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Management & Business

It's no secret that employee morale is an essential determining factor of productivity and profitability. An unhealthy management culture can derail how an employee performs, the level of client satisfaction and the overall production within a business. Great managers who provide constructive critiques and nurturing training promote a healthy company culture with employees invested in the mission and goals of the business.

An unhealthy management culture produces conflict within the workplace and damages productivity and employee morale, according to a 2015 Michigan State University study. Your employees are less likely to feel committed to the company and invested in the mission of the business when supervised by an abusive, negative tyrant. In fact, when a manager ridicules, belittles and publicly embarrasses employees, it affects their behaviors and attitudes. In some cases, employees may even begin to mimic the hostile behavior toward one another and, ultimately, toward customers and clients. Abusive managers promote the idea that everyone must suffer abuse to survive.

Abusive managers often make employees feel devalued and detached from the team and the company as a whole. Constant conflict and an unhealthy management culture reduce employee contributions because the focus is on negative attitudes and retaliation versus motivation and appreciation. As a result, the company culture, productivity and profitability suffer.

Good managers work to boost employee attitudes and rid negativity that exists in an unhealthy management culture. Instead of making uniformed, rash decisions, good managers develop strategic plans that include the input of employees. When employees are involved in decisions, they are more likely to be committed to the company and put forth effort to accomplish goals.

Exemplary managers also develop strong relationships with colleagues and employees. Supervisors who develop connections with employees are equipped with knowledge to motivate and support employees as well as cultivate emotional intelligence. A manager who takes the time to get to know the strengths and weaknesses of employees can develop techniques, strategies and training to help develop skills that benefit the company.

Whereas an unhealthy management culture encourages negative comments and ridicule of colleagues and other supervisors, great managers provide feedback individually and avoid comparing employees to one other. They also encourage employees to exhibit independence and become self-sufficient to reduce stress and promote empowerment. Supervisors invested in the development of employees are willing to lend a hand, yet give employees the space to work independently.

A great manager works to do what is best for employees and eliminates an unhealthy management culture to empower and motivate employees to develop skill sets. Negative environments and abusive management staff can derail the focus of the company and employees, which ultimately impacts the success of the business, the productivity, the client interactions and the turnover rate.

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