Government Expanding Cybersecurity Force Fivefold

Posted by in Technology

With the continued attacks on various government computer systems, the Pentagon is discussing the expansion of its cybersecurity force. As reported by The Washington Post, according to U.S. Officials, “The Pentagon has approved a major expansion of its cybersecurity force over the next several years, increasing its size more than fivefold to bolster the nation’s ability to defend critical computer systems and conduct offensive computer operations against foreign adversaries.” With about 900 personnel in its cybersecurity force, the Pentagon seeks to expand it upwards to 4,900 troops and civilians.


With the recent January 25th hacking of the US Sentencing Commission government site, as well as the Red October spying campaign discovery, the need for more protection is indeed great, and as one blogger on ZDnet put it:


When it takes little more than a script kiddie or a downloadable toolkit to cause havoc in corporate systems -- or even transform a governmental website into a game of Asteroids as part of a protest, governments are in serious trouble unless they begin to invest more in the future of their digital defense.


While the expansion will be gradual over the next several years, the goal is to create three different types of forces: "'national mission forces' to protect computer systems that undergird electrical grids, power plants and other infrastructure deemed critical to national and economic security; ‘combat mission forces’ to help commanders abroad plan and execute attacks or other offensive operations; and ‘cyber protection forces’ to fortify the Defense Department’s networks.”


One of the main concerns? How will they be able to find so many qualified personnel for these new positions? Of course, this is taking place at a time when cutbacks in military spending are at a high. Even still, the importance of this expansion is so great that this is being pursued out of necessity. “Our mission is to defend the nation, putting in place the policies and organizations we need to execute the mission,” Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta said in a recent speech discussing the computer virus that wiped out data on 30,000 computers at a Saudi Arabian state oil company. These types of attacks have “renewed concerns about still more destructive scenarios that could unfold,” he said.


So, while the threat of attacks is of great concern, in the end, this means that the potential amount of new openings in this field of technology will increase, which is good news for those qualified for these government jobs.


Image courtesy of


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  • Lonnette R
    Lonnette R
    I think that we are really behind  in trying to stop hackers from gaining access to private and government systems.  There are numerous resources for training in network security and cybersecurity.  There should be more jobs, whether entry level to mid level, to combat this major problem and try to stay on of this situation.
  • Jeffrey McCormack
    Jeffrey McCormack
    Thanks for all of the comments - I agree - this is an area that needs great attention for our nation's security.
  • Claude K.
    Claude K.
    This is a long-overdue project. I am all for it. We cannot let people hack into our government’s businesses. I have over 20 years experience in IT and if needed I will offer my help.
  • Pierre F
    Pierre F
    there are people training for these careers but the job opportunities are scarced -you do not get the necessary hands-on experience that is needed. I have 10 years IT experience  with Masters in Information Assurance and can not find entry-level position
  • Hector L M
    Hector L M
    I think this is great to protect cyber space for the government.  As an IT qualify, hackers are everywhere these days and to be able to stop them and have a great security, in place to counter attack.
  • Michael C
    Michael C
    With all the different avenues of attack, it is so overwhelming. We are so dependent on data and infrastructure, that it is the obvious method of attack on our society. It is the greatest opportunity in IT next to programming. It would be worth the effort to develop security skills.
  • judy g
    judy g
    Sounds like fun, but I'd most   likely need training, and I am 61 years old, so no one would hire me...
  • Robert W
    Robert W
    The question is will the government make the investment necessary to insure the safety of the internet or will they do a cut rate job.  
  • Ben D
    Ben D
    There are far more Cyber Security graduates being churned out than positions to fill them.  The author needs to do more research before attempting to paint a rosy picture here as one of opportunity.  Like most journalists all facts should be provided and let the reader decide on what's going on, but this rarely happens anymore.  Too bad. Spin is irresponsible.
  • Robert R
    Robert R
    A different world threat, which changes US work/career demographic. Especially for those in technology field.
  • John S
    John S
    Yes, if it will secure our govs. interest then by all means it should be done.I'm 100% for this effort!
  • Thomas W
    Thomas W
    Me being a veteran and also a Desktop support tech if there's any way that i can help let me know. Cause this is very serious
  • David B
    David B
    I find it amazing that this has risen to the level it has while I have been working in IT for over 20 years with a security background and never asked to job that fight?!
  • Tim F
    Tim F
    It’s over due! But that’s normal for our government. Instead of putting defenses on the ground over seas we should be putting them in the cloud over here.  
  • Robert B
    Robert B
    Peoples core values, all over the planet have have changed in some manner ...There was never a greater urgency for our National and International safety then there is now
  • LawrenceJ.F
    very interesting
  • PJ T
    PJ T
    Great news. It's been a long time coming!  
  • Michael M
    Michael M
    Long-overdue !  I hope this is Handled  with an appropriate level of urgency

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