Google TV officially launching October 17th

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Technology

All month I have tried to play the satisfied geek -- with the vague knowledge that Google TV would be hitting stores 'sometime this fall'. Why, Google, why? I want one now!

Alas! Today great news came in the form of a leaked (oops!) internal Best Buy document. As you can see, the document discloses that the original release date was set for October 3rd but has now been pushed ahead to October 17th.

Google TV has no official partnership with Best Buy so this is, by no means, definitive proof. However, it's entirely possible as having something awesome like Google TV released into the wild just in time for the holiday season seems reasonable.

I, for one, can't wait! The question is: Will this replace cable and satellite?


By: Bambi Blue

Bambi Blue is a freelance writer, editor, and codemonkey living in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. She moonlights as a jazz musician, a social butterfly, and most apparently a weisenheimer. Loves to cook, hates to clean, and can easily be found on Twitter.

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