Getting Along With Even the Most Annoying People

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

Annoying people in the workplace can make your day seem longer and more exasperating. However, you do not have to let it affect your performance or destroy your positivity. Consider how you can deal with annoying people at work more effectively.

Avoid Them

Less contact with bothersome co-workers gives them less of an opportunity to irritate you. If you can avoid dealing with annoying people while at work, it can grant you peace of mind. Tell your obnoxious colleague to send you an email if he needs to tell you something so your workflow is not disturbed. You may also want to put that "Do Not Disturb" sign on your desk to ward off annoying individuals.

Just Say No

Some professionals entertain the annoying person when he arrives, but others make the choice to avoid additional interactions with him altogether. If an aggravating co-worker is bothering you with a random request or small talk unrelated to the job, just say no. It is possible the individual may not even know he is bothering you, so explain to him that his presence, conversation or questions are preventing you from doing your work well. If you are firm about being left alone to complete your work, the individual may finally get the message and simply let you be.

Keep Your Cool

It is vital to stay calm at work when you are dealing with annoying associates. Resist the urge to lash out at another offending co-worker or manager, or you could get reprimanded for it. If you allow yourself to get worked up, it can sabotage your performance and negatively affect the remainder of your day.

Reconsider Your Perspective

It is important to look at the big picture if interacting with annoying folks at work is really starting to affect you. Remember that your main focus must be on your work and not what others are doing or saying. Business professionals may encounter all types of individuals throughout their career, and understanding that annoying people often come and go may give you relief. To bring a smile to your face, try to see the humor in dealing with such people.

Get Help

If interactions with annoying people in the work environment are really starting to bother you, it may be time to get help. If a co-worker is constantly in your face and interrupting his fellow co-workers, then chances are he is not doing his job well. Tell your supervisor your work performance is affected, and he may reprimand the worker or relocate you away from the bothersome employee. If the person who is bothering you is a frustrating manager, you may want to seek help from the human resources department to remedy the issue.

Whether it is an irritating co-worker or frustrating manager, it is important to be polite and keep a positive attitude to maintain productivity and peace in the workplace. If you do not take the time to handle annoying people right way, their small disturbances may build up over time, causing you to feel overly frustrated.

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