Five Vital Take-Aways from Successful Business Professionals

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Career Advice

Successful business professionals can be great mentors, and when they offer advice, it's always best to listen. After all, they got where they are because of the challenges they faced, the lessons they learned and the mentors who offered them great advice. Pay close attention to the actions and words of successful business professionals, because those characteristics just might help you become someone to admire and emulate as well.

Don't Be a Workaholic

You might feel that working overtime or offering to do every extra project in the office gets you noticed by the higher-ups and eventually results in a better position, more accolades or improved work conditions. While that may be true, it could also result in burnout. You don't want to work so hard that you lose motivation or aren't able to perform your normal duties. Successful business professionals know when to say no, and they can easily recognize if the work they are doing benefits or hinders them.

Be Tenacious

Don't give up if things don't go the way you want the first time around. Learn from your mistakes. Failure is often looked at negatively rather than as an opportunity to evaluate what went wrong and try something new. Success feels great, but knowing you beat the odds after failing one, two, or even 10 times feels even better.

Make Sacrifices

Having a work-life balance is vital for a healthy work life and family life, but you might have to sacrifice time with loved ones every now and then to become a successful business professional. This is especially true when starting a new job or your own business. You may have to miss a few family functions or sacrifice some personal leisure time to perform your job duties accurately or build your brand.

Take Advantage of Resources

Expand your knowledge base about your industry by reading blog articles and attending professional conferences. As you become an expert in your field, begin writing your own articles and participating in forum discussions. You can also expand your knowledge base by following the Twitter feeds of people or businesses you admire and connecting with other professionals via LinkedIn and Facebook. Don't forget about Pinterest, which is a great resource for everything from learning how to blog to discovering how to stay motivated when your work life gets difficult.

Make Delegation a Must

There are probably some tasks that others can do better than you. Don't hesitate to delegate tasks if letting someone else do the job makes sense. If you need help, put your pride aside and ask for it. Successful business professionals aren't afraid to let others flourish if the person excels at something they struggle to accomplish.

The advice of successful business professionals is pure gold. Follow these five lessons to excel at work and develop the traits you most admire.

Photo courtesy of Master isolated images at


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  • Ernest A.
    Ernest A.

    Interesting article and great perspective on life in a corporate environment. Not to say that this same environment is emulated in many smaller operations where compliance, planning and forward thinking never get to Business leaders because they fail to understand or lack the commitment to invest in adequate staffing.

  • Luiggi D.
    Luiggi D.

    Absolutely true.

  • Matt R.
    Matt R.

    So true

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