Job seekers and employers both use social media during the employment process. Job seekers use social networks to find contacts and get recommendations for positions. Employers take advantage of social networks to vet candidates and find top talent. Discover how to use social networks and media throughout your job search process to improve your results.
Why Use Social Media?
Social media, when used the right way, can make you stand out from other candidates. Develop your social media profiles carefully with targeted adjustments that accentuate the most positive aspects of your career. Every profile should have the same professional photo so that they have a cohesive look. Your vision statement on each profile should have similar aspects and verbiage. When a recruiter or HR manager finds your social networks, that person should know right away that it belongs to you.
One thing to keep in mind is that not all social networks are created equal. You should include some while excluding others from your resume.
Include These Social Networks
1. LinkedIn
LinkedIn is, by far, the most important social network to include on a resume. Fill out your LinkedIn profile as much as possible, make connections, join groups and become active on people's blog posts. Take time to develop your profile, list past experiences, make connections to people within your industry, write your own blogs and stay active. The more active you are on LinkedIn, the more people notice you.
Always connect with companies that share your vision and passion. A hiring manager can go through your LinkedIn profile and see whether you're a perfect fit for the job by examining your recommendations, resume and portfolio all in one place.
2. Twitter
Twitter gives you a platform where you can expose your personal beliefs in short, succinct ways. An employer can look at your followers and who you are following to gauge who you communicate with and who finds your posts valuable. HR managers can also take a look at your posts to gauge your personal interests. Make sure you clean up your social media posts to eliminate any awkward photos or biased statements that may sully your personal brand.
3. YouTube
YouTube, when used properly, can give companies a look at your creativity and how you present yourself in person. YouTube allows a hiring manager to see you in person and gauge your personality, which is much better than just hearing your voice over the phone or reading about your past experiences on a resume.
Exclude These Social Networks
Avoid listing your personal social media accounts on your resume. These might include Snapchat, Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook. Instagram works well if you're in a creative field, and Facebook is appropriate for digging deep into an employer's social network. However, you should limit your social links to those that paint you in the most professional light possible.
Social media provides a great way to leverage your personal brand in your professional life. What do you do to leverage social connections during your job search? Let us know in the comments.
Photo courtesy of thesomeday1234 at
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