Do You Need to be as Good as Your Competition?

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

A standard business practice is to scope out the competition to improve products and services, but this approach is not necessarily effective for candidates immersed in a job search. As a candidate for a position you desire, you need to stand out when applying and especially during a job interview; however, scoping out the competition can do more damage to your confidence, which ultimately affects your ability to sell your skills and experience.

Resist the Temptation

It may be tempting to compare yourself to other job candidates during the job search. You may find yourself researching the experience and skills of applicants on social media and LinkedIn. However, this practice is not beneficial for you as a professional. Your job is to sell the skills and experience you possess versus depleting your self-esteem when finding that other applicants have more degrees, certificates and skills than you do. Instead of focusing on what others bring to the table, spend your time prior to the interview finding creative ways to communicate what you can offer.

Build Your Confidence

You don't have to be as good as the competition. In fact, you just need to be the best version of yourself. When submitting resumes, cover letters and applications during your job search, brainstorm your strengths to help build your confidence. Make a list of your on-the-job accomplishments, tough deadlines you have met, positive interactions with customers and clients, and successful projects completed. Instead of comparing your skills to the competition, highlight your own and develop scenarios and examples you can further explore during a job interview.

Rehearse Selling Your Skills

Prove to yourself that you are the best candidate for the job and are just as good as the competition by rehearsing thoroughly for interviews. Meet with a member of your professional network or a career mentor to answer questions and practice presenting yourself professionally. Outline how your skills match those desired by the potential employer, and emphasize your strengths previously brainstormed. Use your time wisely during the job search to brush up on any skills you may be lacking as well as to meet with industry professionals who can further help you obtain job leads.

Create a Wish List

Prepare yourself for a professional career and a successful interview by spending time during your job search investigating what potential employers are seeking in a qualified candidate. Deem this list the employer wish list, and outline the educational requirements, skills wanted and qualifications desired from companies within your industry. Even if you are not interested in a position with a particular company, investigating the requirements helps show you the standard requirements of similar positions.

Prove to yourself that you are just as good as the competition by thoroughly investigating your strengths and skills during the job search. Know the best version of yourself, and prepare to sell your qualifications and admirable qualities to potential employers.

Photo Courtesy of jesadaphorn at


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  • Amos B.
    Amos B.

    Yes l would like too work!

  • Mercury E.
    Mercury E.

    I guess you should be.

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