An incompetent boss can do more than make you dread going to the office; he can sabotage your career and impede your professional development. With the right coping strategies, you can excel at your job despite a bad boss and ensure that other company leaders recognize your contributions.
1. Fill in the Gaps
Chances are your incompetent boss has one or more glaring weaknesses, or he may be completely unsuited to his job. Instead of complaining or letting the team go down, identify your boss' skill gaps and find ways to fill them. In doing so, you ingratiate yourself with the boss and help the team succeed, which can only have a positive effect on your career. If other company leaders are aware of the boss's incompetence, your efforts don't go unnoticed for long. In a crisis, your quick action can save the company and earn you superstar status within the team or the organization.
2. Take Preemptive Action
An incompetent boss can thwart your efforts by micromanaging, focusing on tiny or irrelevant issues, and failing to make decisions. Mitigate the effects of these frustrating and counterproductive behaviors by identifying them in advance and taking preemptive action. If your boss tends to waffle about decisions under pressure, present him with specific choices well before the deadline. If he inflates the importance of irrelevant issues, anticipate and soothe his concerns before he can raise questions. Although this strategy requires more legwork on your part, it can reduce stress and irritation.
3. Work Independently
As the employee of an incompetent boss, you must become independent and self-sufficient. Learn to work without input or guidance, or seek advice from other superiors or colleagues. If your boss cannot provide effective leadership, take on the responsibility yourself or ask a senior team member to assume the role. Lean on your team members for support, and work together to put out great work despite your bad boss. Seek out your boss's input infrequently; if you are getting results, he may not argue. If he insists on providing misguided advice, listen carefully and take only the valid suggestions, but be prepared to refute bad suggestions with facts and figures.
4. Know When to Go
Finding ways to deal with an incompetent boss can only get you so far. You must also recognize when it's time to find a new job. The threshold is different for every professional but usually involves job satisfaction, promotion possibilities and professional reputations. If you are filled with dread at the thought of going to work, it's time to seek something new. If your boss refuses to promote you or claims your accomplishments as his own, you have no future at the company. Consider the effect of a useless boss on your reputation. If your boss's interference results in subpar work, clients may start to view you in a negative light. This reputation can spread quickly and ruin your future job prospects.
In most cases, it is worth your time to find ways to work around an incompetent boss. His failings may present an opportunity for you to shine. By employing targeted coping strategies, you can seize new responsibilities and help your team succeed.
Photo courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at
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