Crucial Networking Tips

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

In business, many employers prefer to hire people they know, or barring that, people who come with a personal recommendation from a trusted colleague. If you are struggling to find a job, professional networking can be the key. Making connections and developing relationships in your industry can take your job search to the next level.

Start Early

Whether you are in the middle of a job search or considering it in the near future, the time to start networking is immediately. Relationships and reputation-building take time, so it is important to begin as early as possible. Do not wait to start your professional networking activities until you quit a job; employers want to hire successful, active people.

Join Appropriate Organizations

One of the easiest ways to begin professional networking is to join an industry organization. Most professional associations hold events specifically designed to help members meet and make new contacts. As you consider which organizations to join, look at the membership lists. Do they contain representatives from your target companies? Do members come from all levels, or are they mostly entry-level workers? To find out about job openings, it is crucial to join an organization that offers access to professionals at all levels. Alternatively, consider joining an association that attracts people from complementary industries to expand your networking opportunities.

Build Relationships

Some professionals go to professional networking events with the sole intention of adding to their contact list. The drawback to this approach is it builds superficial connections rather than valuable relationships. Attend networking events to meet people, and then put effort into developing the relationships. Follow people on social media and email them articles that relate to their interests. Pay attention to their needs and make introductions whenever possible. Finding ways to help other people automatically increases your value. When a job opens, your name is more likely to come up than the person who made a quick connection and never followed up.

Take Leadership Roles

When you are searching for a job, it is crucial to be visible within the industry. To increase your status in a professional networking organization, take on leadership roles. Become an ambassador for your professional association or apply to join the governing body. Doing so provides access to high-level members, which helps you connect with the people in charge of hiring at your target companies. A leadership position gives you an easy icebreaker, which is important for introverts and shy people. As a leader, introduce yourself and welcome people to an event without feeling awkward or out of place.

Professional networking can be an invaluable tool in the search for a new job. By investing the time to develop and nurture a network, you position yourself to receive advance notice about upcoming job openings. As a known quantity in industry, you automatically make yourself a more attractive candidate.


Image courtesy of Ambro at



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  • Confidential U.
    Confidential U.

    Outstanding! A great reminder article for those who have been Networking prodessionally for years! Keep posting!

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