Creating Your Own Happiness at Work

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

True happiness at work is elusive for most Americans in the workplace. A 2013 Gallup survey found that out of 180 million workers, just 13 percent stated they were happy in their jobs. The trick to finding bliss at your job lies mostly in your attitude.

The happiest workers are 36 percent more motivated, are two times as productive and have six times the energy level as those who do not find happiness at work. Staffers at TalentSmart surveyed and studied more than 1 million people; they found that people with higher emotional intelligence find ways to enjoy their work no matter what.

Perhaps the most important aspect of happiness at work is that the workers with emotional intelligence choose their attitudes. Having a dead-end job with no career potential is completely up to the worker, not the employer. You choose your own destiny in life, so get out and find things that edify your spirit.

Do not fret over things you cannot control or are not important. Joe got the promotion and you did not; Saudi Arabia caused oil prices to plummet and the stock market sank; it rained on the way to work today — don't let such things shake your inner peace. Above all, do not compare yourself to another person who seems to have the fast track to happiness at work, because altering your mindset takes time and does not occur overnight.

Reward yourself for a job well done. Buy that ice cream once a week. See that movie with your friends. Take a vacation once per summer. Find physical ways to show yourself that the hard work pays off in the end.

Happiness at work comes from within you and not from other people. Do not judge, gossip or fight win-less battles. Talking badly or thinking badly about others makes you feel guilty later. Stay true to your moral standards, and do not give up your morals just to fit in. Happiness does not mean sacrificing what you believe in. When you do something that goes against your inner self, you may find it hard to be satisfied and motivated when guilt creeps into your consciousness.

Smile and laugh more even if you do not feel funny or happy. Create situations where you smile. Watch a hilarious, short video on your computer to brighten your day. Stay away from negative people who can add toxicity to your mood. If you do not smoke, would you hang out in a bar full of smokers for eight hours and inhale second-hand smoke? Avoid negativity in a similar manner.

Doing physical things can help your mood at work. Exercise by walking at least seven minutes per day to release endorphins in your brain. Get more sleep and spend more time with family. Move closer to work so your commute is not such a drain on your day. Take a vacation, even a mental one, by planning a getaway.

Discover what principles fit your personality when you choose to find happiness at work. Your new and positive attitude may spill into other aspects of your life, including your family, friends and significant other. Use this new-found happiness to achieve a life worth living.


Photo courtesy of Joe Shlabotnik at



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