If you're applying for a job, you are likely competing against hundreds of other applicants. You must be prepared to show every hiring manager why you are the right job candidate to fill an open position. Start by making your case in a customized cover letter; then be prepared to explain why you are the perfect candidate during job interviews. Here are some tips for convincing hiring managers you are right for the job.
A customized cover letter is one of the most important tools in your job search. If you submit the same letter for every vacancy, it's difficult to convince hiring managers you are the right job candidate. Instead of using templates, write a cover letter from scratch every time you apply for a post. Explain why your skills, education and experience make you the perfect candidate for the position. Back up your statements with specific examples from your work history. If the opening requires excellent attention to detail, for example, you might want to mention the time you saved your company thousands of dollars by catching a mistake in a contract before it went to the client.
Be prepared to answer one of the most common interview questions: "Why are you the right job candidate for us?" Having an immediate answer ready shows that you are confident in your skills. Show you are the right job candidate by telling the person interviewing you about your industry experience, education or specialized skills. Don't spend too much time answering this question, but make sure you convince the recruiter you have the right combination of education, skills and experience to succeed.
When you discuss your resume with the interviewer, make sure your words are an exact match for your resume. If your resume says you have five years of experience using a particular software, don't hurt your chances of being hired by slipping up and saying you only have four years of experience. Honesty is always the best policy when you are searching for a post, and this is one of the many reasons why. Even if you make an innocent mistake, the interviewer is going to wonder if you were telling the truth when you applied for the job.
Most managers look for a few of the same things in every job candidate. It's important to make sure your cover letter and resume address each of these criteria. Job hopping is often a red flag for employers, so be sure your application materials don't make recruiters think you have trouble committing to an employer. Hiring managers also want to see that you are confident and assertive during your interviews.
Hiring managers spend a lot of time looking for the right job candidate for each position. If you don't show that you are the ideal candidate for the job, the hiring manager is likely to hire another candidate, even if you have more experience or a better track record in your industry.
Photo courtesy of cooldesign at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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