Check Out These Recruiting Tips for 2016

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Career Advice

The economy is robust again, and the financial crisis of 2008 is a distant memory thanks to low unemployment. Employers continue to hire more people, so you should take advantage of one recruiting trend after another during 2016 and beyond. Take your job search to the next level by recognizing the tools recruiters use in the era of mobile devices and cloud computing.

A contemporary job search involves digital tools from the time you start looking for a job to the time you walk into the interview room. Although this is nothing new, recruiters continually look for ways to make their task of finding the perfect talent easier.

A positive recruiting trend for 2016 includes higher pay. There are more job openings flooding the labor market and not enough people to fill the positions. That makes companies compete for top talent, and that leads to higher pay. When companies pay more, employees win; however, that makes the field even more competitive than before, which is why you need to stay abreast of the latest trends.

Social media helps recruiters sweep the field of candidates or even find soft hires. Your social media messages need to remain consistent across all channels, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and others. Remove any disparaging remarks, awkward photos and posts that seem unprofessional.

Big data is one recruiting trend that has grown over the past several years. Software that locates, organizes and ranks candidates based on trackable data keeps going down in price. Analytics help a hiring manager predict how someone may perform in the position based on hard skills, education and qualifications, but those tools do not take into account how someone gets along with co-workers.

Use data mining to your own advantage. Employers can find plenty of information about your background and career online, and you can discover just as much about a company's history, recent issues and employees. People with LinkedIn profiles say where they work, and those workers also have social media accounts. Many firms have press release sections on their websites and corporate blogs that give you an idea of company cultures.

Another recruiting trend relies on an old favorite. Networking plays a crucial role in the hiring process. Create opportunities by getting to know your friends, relatives, acquaintances and colleagues. Leverage your network through social media, industry events, company gatherings and word of mouth. You never know who has your next opportunity, which is why you need to maintain your network as much as possible.

Mobile devices, apps and smartphones are important tools for you to consider as a major recruiting trend. Conduct a phone interview through your smartphone away from your desk. Video interviews happen on a laptop or desktop computer. Get to know the latest apps that make finding a job easier.

People who want to hire you have tools, tips and tricks of the trade. Understanding recruiting trends makes you a more effective candidate as you pursue your dream job.

Photo courtesy of Random Retail at


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