Building Your Worklife Reputation

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

Although working hard and doing your best are important, your reputation at work is another factor that comes into play when your supervisors are making decisions about promotions, raises and handing out quality assignments. If you've always been the quirky outsider, it might be time to make some effort to improve your reputation at work. Here are a few areas to concentrate on to keep your co-workers and managers seeing you in a favorable light.


Being consistently reliable is one of the best ways to build up a positive reputation at work. Make sure that you are always on time and that you follow through on your commitments. To make this easier, avoid making too many promises and over-scheduling your time. Really listen to your fellow workers so that you are able give them what they really need instead of what you think they want. Focusing on the quality of your office communication helps you grow and maintain real relationships with your co-workers,


Although rudeness gets you noticed, it never improves your reputation at work. Remember to mind your manners by waiting your turn, not interrupting, and always saying "please" and "thank you" in the appropriate situations. Greet your co-workers with a smile, and wish them a good evening at the end of the day. Treat everyone from the maintenance crew to the CEO with respect. Also, pay attention to the company culture. Some workplaces have a more casual feel, while others expect more formal interactions at all times. Staying in line with these expectations helps you build a strong positive reputation.


Strive to be the positive voice in your workplace. Most people prefer to work with others who are positive and easygoing. Cultivate these traits by tackling problems with a smile and learning to be resilient when faced with unexpected circumstances. Practice better office communication by asking questions and seeking out the opinions of your co-workers and supervisors instead of jumping to conclusions. Work hard to avoid causing drama or being seen as difficult. Those traits are sure ways to build the wrong kind of reputation at work.


A final area to examine is how knowledgeable you are about your company and the work tasks that your department handles. Increasing your knowledge helps you become the go-to person for questions and assistance at work. If you often have a ready answer, word gets around that you are both helpful and competent. Keep up to date on new policies, and take advantage of training opportunities to build your reputation as the person who has the answers and is always willing to lend a helping hand.

Build your reputation at work by being polite and dependable, staying positive and keeping your knowledge up to date. A good work reputation has the potential to follow you through your career and put you in line for promotions ahead of other similarly qualified applicants. Avoid drama and a negative attitude, and work on being the go-to person in your office who everyone wants to add to his team.

Photo courtesy of nenetus at


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