Not caring what others think of you is an empowering mentality, but you can unintentionally hinder your success at work if you don't manage your professional reputation. Whether you're starting a new job or simply rebranding, take these 10 steps to build a professional reputation that impresses your colleagues.
1. Show Interest
Genuine congeniality goes a long way in getting others to open up to you. Your colleagues all have personal passions, goals and concerns they consider important, and showing interest lets others know you're friendly and considerate. Listen to others without expecting anything in return, and offer support or praise when colleagues struggle or succeed on the job.
2. Mirror the Culture
Let the company culture be your guide, and choose language and behavior that is acceptable in your workplace. Offending people is a quick way to earn a poor professional reputation, which is why it's important to look for compatible employers during job searches.
3. Avoid Negative Body Language
Negative body language can give off "stay away" vibes before you ever say a word, so avoid walking around with your head down and your arms tightly crossed all day. Focus on smiling, making eye contact and presenting yourself as an open, approachable person.
4. Stay Engaged
Leave personal woes at home, and show up to work energized and ready to contribute. Expect your professional reputation to plunge if you spend every day in a bored stupor.
5. Be Easygoing
Boost your professional reputation by being easy to work with. An easygoing personality doesn't mean giving up your authority or input. Instead, aim to be helpful, attentive and productive to make projects run as smoothly as possible.
6. Honor Commitments
Nothing is more frustrating than a colleague who never fulfills obligations, so don't be that person. If you want a professional reputation for being trustworthy and reliable, be willing to work hard and get tasks done on time, no matter how trivial they may seem.
7. Make Others Look Good
When colleagues help you with referrals, favors or words of praise, return the gesture by making them look good to others. Keep your co-workers' strengths and goals in mind, so you can point them toward good opportunities or introduce them to people in your network who are in need of their skills.
8. Find a Niche
Encourage others to seek you out by becoming the go-to person for specific tasks. Specializing identifies you as an expert, while sharing your skills shows everyone you put the team first.
9. Dress With Confidence
Appearance isn't everything, but co-workers are more likely to see you as a poised and confident person if you dress professionally. Match your wardrobe to the company culture, and avoid uncomfortable clothing that causes fidgeting or takes away from your overall presentation.
10. Be Yourself
As cliche as it may sound, leading with a confident personality is the best way to attract positive attention. Be proud and sure of what you have to offer, and others will view you as an asset to the company.
The way co-workers and superiors perceive you determines your influence and mobility in the workplace, making it essential to build positive relationships. Make sure your professional reputation is aiding your career by being polite and kind toward anyone you encounter.
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