Bashing Previous Employers is a No-No

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

Some job seekers may feel the urge to lambaste an old employer when asked during the interview. Not only is it terrible interview etiquette, but you can sabotage your chances at making a good impression. Consider some reasons why bashing previous employers is taboo at the hiring table.

Makes You Appear Negative

If you're caught bashing previous employers during your interview, you will appear as a negative person and even a sour employee to the hiring manager. Nobody wants to work with a complaining, difficult employee who is likely to cause trouble with supervisors and fellow employees if hired. If you cannot say anything particularly nice, aim to maintain neutrality and a positive outlook toward past work circumstances.

Gives Excuses for Your Performance

Job seekers that bash previous employers are often seen as individuals making excuses for their poor performance. Remember the interviewer is seeking a capable employee for the position, not a bad hire who can be expected to under-perform. Never blame your past employer for your shortcomings at work, or you may appear incompetent for the new position you're seeking. Be accountable for any of your former actions instead of bashing previous employers, but feel free to discuss how you've grown as a professional if asked about a job from which you were let go.

Your Old Employer May Bite Back

If you start putting down an old employer without thinking the consequences through, you should consider what your former employer might say about you.The hiring manager may be moved to contact your previous employer after hearing your detailed rant. Keep in mind that an old boss can share any information they want to about you unless it is confidential info. The employer could take it personally, and you can even be sued for defamation. If you're caught bashing your employer and he returns the favor, the disclosure may be enough to make you look like a poor employee and a bad hire overall.

The World is Small

The same person you badmouth at your old company could be affiliated with the company you are pursuing for employment. At the very worst, a horrible boss at your old job may end up working for a potential employer. Since you never know what position, career path or unique influence someone may have on your professional life in the future, be wary of bashing anyone in your industry.

Job seekers that bash their previous employers are a turn-off to a hiring manager, and you may even lose out on the job. If asked about an employer you're not particularly fond of, simply focus on mentioning the best aspects of your old position. Your interview is a chance to highlight your skills and experience as an ideal job candidate, so don’t waste valuable time bashing previous employers.


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