Awkward Interview Recovery Tips

Posted by in Career Advice

Awkward moments in life can happen anytime and anywhere, but one place where people dread them the most is in a job interview. Here, any awkward moment can cause a bump in the interview road that could throw you off completely if you let it. Here are some tips for recovering from common interview blunders: 

What’s Your Name?

Did you forget the interviewer’s name--or worse, addressed them by the wrong one altogether? Try to head this one off before it happens by always use the interviewer's name immediately after learning it, and try to get a business card at the start of the conversation. When they introduce themselves, reply with something like, “Pleased to meet you, John Smith.” Ask for their business card early on in the interview, and have it ready for a refresher glance if needed. If you do end up using the wrong name, quickly apologize and say something like, “I am sorry; it is just that you remind me so much of my former teacher/co-worker/boss (etc.) that it just slipped out.” Obviously, the goal is to not have to recover, so be sure to repeat their name early on and as frequently as possible without sounding like a parrot.

The Echo of Silence

Don’t be immediately thrown by the awkward silence that can pop up after you have finished answering a question during an interview. Often, the interviewer is taking notes, and depending on their speed of writing, there may be that 30 seconds of silence while they catch up. If you finish, and they are not taking notes, but simply looking at you, then engage them with something along the line of “Does that answer your question, or is there more you would like to know?” Do not just ramble or offer more information than is asked of you. Sometimes that silence can cause a candidate to go "off script” and offer more information than was asked, which could potentially cause problems. There are some hiring agents that may pause and allow the silence on purpose, just to see what the candidate does in response. Keep calm, and inquire if need be, but don’t let it become a reason to ramble on.

The Unexpected

Things can happen, things that no one planned for. Events around you in the room or outside, phone calls (better not be your phone though!), etc. It could be that the interruption surprises you enough to throw you off and cause you to forget what you were saying. If you are able to, stay focused and ignore the incident. If you plow through it and continue talking, the interruption can be forgotten and your interview will be back on track in no time. Sometimes (depending on the demeanor of the hiring agent), a simple one-line and a chuckle may ease the situation.


Interviews can be stressful, but you need to do all you can to stay calm. Don’t let these things fluster you or allow the situation to get out of hand. Practice, practice, and practice some more. Practice a few interview scenarios with a friend. You'll establish your rhythm and feel more comfortable speaking about yourself. The more comfortable you are, the less likely it is that the awkward moments will throw you.

Image courtesy of Ambro at


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