The age of social media and data aggregation means that a lot of the legwork job recruiters had to do to identify candidates is now done collectively by the labor market on places like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Nexxt. Why should a recruiter call a hundred people or sift through resumes seeing who has 8 years of experience with Excel and a money management background when they can just run a few programs that identify hundreds of people with those exact qualifications within 15 miles of their office? Yes, over 80% of recruiters think automated processes would allow them to do their job more efficiently, so what are some of these processes you, as a job seeker, can expect to see and work to your benefit?
1. Targeted advertising
More and more, companies are relying on firms that use highly specialized data to target the ideal audience with advertisements. The same applies to job recruitment. Maybe you’ve noticed the little banner ads showcasing a job that checks quite a few boxes in your field. How do you take advantage of this? Well, the simple answer is to maximize the data available about you so that you can receive information about what positions are most explicitly tailored to your abilities. This also saves recruiters work, so, why shouldn’t it do the same for you?
2. Pre employment assessments
Once you’ve applied for a job, one of the big roles of interviewers is to figure out whether you are a good fit. This can be extremely time consuming for both parties, and it’s part of why pre-employment assessments have become a bigger and bigger part of recruiting. These platforms run candidates through a series of tests about their personality and specific skills, in order to narrow down before or during the interview process whether someone will really be able to thrive in this position. So, don’t let these tests trip you up! Make sure you think of them as a crucial portion of the interview process, even if it’s before you’ve even spoken to somebody at the company!
3. Application ranking
Application ranking apps allow companies to do exactly that, break down resumes and other submitted materials in order to establish tiers of qualifications for candidates. This technology can be used for something as simple as winnowing down the field for interviews, or even for ranking offers for variously qualified candidates. So, make sure your resume and applications are as detailed as possible. That one piece of info you don’t think is that important may bump you up a few places on a list someone is using to prioritize candidates.
4. Message automation
Employers and recruiters are making it easier for recruiters to stay in touch with hundreds of applicants by automatically messaging them the status of their application. As the economy starts to ramp back up, expect apps like this to remain in vogue for as long as they make hiring easier for businesses. Do not fret if you receive an automated reply! It doesn’t mean the company isn’t interested in hiring you. It simply means that they are in the middle of processing applications and that a lot of factors are at play in determining who is right for the position. As long as you remain open to these new and developing hiring processes, you have a good shot of helping that process work its way to highlighting you as the perfect candidate!
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