Are Your Employees Leaving Due to Burnout?

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

Professional burnout is an increasing issue in intense, fast-paced companies. The constant demand to perform well and stay connected takes its toll on workers, causing prolonged stress and mental fatigue. If your company is experiencing a sudden bout of high turnover, look for signs that your employees are leaving due to burnout.


Over time, the intense stress associated with professional burnout can lead to health problems. According to Mayo Clinic, prolonged stress is associated with headaches, chest pain, muscle tension and stomach problems. It can also prevent employees from sleeping well, which leads to fatigue. Poor health can manifest in a variety of ways among your employees. You might notice that workers are coming in with colds more often or that they are calling in sick at a higher-than-usual rate. Be on the alert for other physical symptoms of illness, including haggard appearances, dark eye circles and general pallor.

Behavioral Changes

Employees who are experiencing professional burnout are likely to express their condition through behavioral changes. Look for actions, words and personality shifts that are not consistent with your understanding of each person. If a normally cheerful worker starts spouting cynical and sarcastic comments at the office, it might indicate a problem. If your most outgoing employee is staying quiet in meetings and withdrawing from the office conversations, that person might be struggling with professional burnout. Other signs include a marked drop in engagement, a sense of disconnection from the company and clients, and a pattern of negative emotional outbursts. Keep in mind that these changes rarely happen overnight — they occur gradually and gather momentum until the employee quits, so it's important to monitor employee behavior on a regular basis.

Decrease in Performance

A burnt-out employee often finds it difficult to maintain a consistent level of performance. He may stop caring about his work and begin turning in subpar projects. Other workers might continue to produce high-quality work, but at a slower rate. The chronic stress that comes along with professional burnout can cause cognitive problems, making it difficult for employees to focus on details and content. Performance problems can have a ripple effect throughout the company. When one employee falls behind, others must pick up the slack. As the weeks progress, the increased workload can take its toll in the form of further burnout for the whole team. If you notice a pattern of low output or reduced-quality work, it might indicate that your employees are suffering from overwork and stress.

Employees suffering from professional burnout can have a significant impact on your company's bottom line. By keeping an eye out for signs of burnout and taking action to solve the problem as soon as possible, you can preserve the well-being of both your workers and your business.

Photo courtesy of patrisyu at


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