Are You a Mentally Strong Leader?

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

For many people, obtaining leadership roles draws out their worst flaws and insecurities, and they command authority through intimidation and control. On the other hand, mentally strong leaders earn respect and loyalty because their honesty, optimism and resilience spread throughout the organization. While being the boss comes with inevitable ups and downs, having confidence and humility can make you a mentally strong leader with the insight to steer the company in the right direction.

You Use Influence, Not Control

Employees resent bosses who achieve results with demands and ultimatums, and they lose interest in producing their best work. Mentally strong leaders understand the value of mutual trust and respect, so they strive to set a good example by keeping their frustrations in check and encouraging workers to make productive decisions. If you have the emotional intelligence to detect each employee's strengths, weaknesses and changes in mood, you can tailor your methods of communication to motivate individual workers.

You Acknowledge Personal Flaws

Perfection is a pointless pursuit, and trying to convince employees that you're faultless and superior only alienates everyone around you. Instead of denying flaws, mentally strong leaders accept that they aren't the best at everything and delegate responsibilities to employees who are most suited for them. Self-awareness enables leaders to honestly assess their weaknesses without comparing themselves to others, making them unafraid of asking for help or ideas from people they respect.

You Embrace Learning Opportunities

Pride is useful in moderation, but having a delicate ego makes it difficult for leaders to learn from others. By acknowledging weaknesses, mentally strong leaders look for areas of improvement and continually try to expand their professional and social skill sets. If you view co-workers as threats to your advancement, you miss out on the opportunity to absorb some of their brilliance and expertise.

You Overcome Obstacles

Workplace hurdles can push you to broaden your perspective, develop innovative solutions and strengthen team bonds — but only if you don't give in to defeat. Mentally strong leaders don't run away from obstacles, because they recognize opportunities to grow stronger as leaders and individuals. Challenging problems can teach leaders to be confident in their abilities while remaining open to different methods, and the entire organization gains a shared sense of trust and fulfillment when the team accomplishes a goal together.

You Exude Authenticity

Having clear, distinct values lets other employees know what to expect from you, making them skeptical when your actions don't match up with the character you project. Mentally strong leaders are genuine and consistent, taking the team's best interests into account when making decisions. They also care about doing what's right and place more value on good character than popularity, so employees are inclined to trust and support their decisions.

Emotional intelligence is at the core of becoming a mentally strong leader, as it encourages you to evaluate the anxieties, desires and thought processes behind the actions of yourself and others. By regulating your emotions and removing negative influences in your environment, you can strengthen your ability to navigate tough times and bring out the best qualities of your employees.

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  • Barbara L.
    Barbara L.

    I'd like to think i am ,but in the work i do. The manager begs different.

  • Jerri Haigler
    Jerri Haigler

    Yes I would say I have strong leadership skills, having been a district manager for 16 yrs for a chain of stores in SC!!

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