Are You Afraid to Make a Career Change?

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Career Advice

Professionals with a complacent attitude about the workforce often find themselves in positions that rarely challenge their abilities. The mere thought of a career change can be scary, which may be what is holding you back from embarking on a job search that is a better fit. Avoid letting these following excuses stop you from taking the first step; pivot from your comfort zone to advance your career.

"I'm Happy Enough"

While most individuals would not settle for "happy enough" in their personal lives, a surprising number of professionals use this excuse to avoid a career change. Instead of talking yourself into settling for a position that is just "good enough," think about why you're putting your dreams aside. Are you afraid of a new experience or afraid to fail? Analyze why you would settle for a job or career that does not challenge you, and work to fix the underlying problem so you can obtain success and happiness in the workplace.

"I've Invested Too Much in This Job"

Your professional approach may center around seeing things through; however, this excuse can impede your success. If you are putting the brakes on a career change because you feel like you have invested an ample amount of time and effort into your current job, you could be limiting your options subconsciously. While it may take additional effort to launch a new job search, the end result is worth your time. Get out of your comfort zone and envision the exciting journey of a new experience. Change your thinking, and pull yourself out of your daily rut by envisioning how a new career could impact your happiness, your professional brand and your financial future.

"I'll Disappoint My Current Employer"

Loyalty is a notable quality and one that employers appreciate, but don't let your loyalty to a company limit your career opportunities. The pressure to stay rooted in a career that does not offer you a fulfilling experience can be intimidating. You may also experience pressure from current supervisors or even family members who are afraid of change. People who care about you are bound to support your decision in making a career change because they only want the best for you.

"It's a Financial Risk"

Finances play a big part in any professional's career decisions. Overwhelming bills or debt can weigh heavily on your mind and cause you to remain complacent about your current job, especially when a regular paycheck affords you the ability to stay afloat. However, a career change could drastically improve your financial status. Avoid putting aside your goals due to financial fears and enlist the help of a mentor or financial advisor who can guide you in the right direction to ensure your financial future thrives.

Launching a career change can be daunting and overwhelming at first, but taking a risk can pay off in the long run. Eliminate the fear and excuses surrounding your opportunities, and put your best foot forward while embarking on a job search that could ultimately increase your personal and professional satisfaction.

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