Spring is a busy time for many workers as strategic planning, quarterly financials and employee evaluations consume significant amounts of time. When seasonal allergies creep up in the early months of the year, it can throw a monkey wrench into the most perfectly-laid plans. Don't let spring colds and allergy symptoms throw your health off track on the job or at home.
Employees who find themselves sniffling, sneezing and wheezing before the winter months even come to an end may be victims of seasonal allergies that accompany an early spring, according to health experts. These symptoms are often confused with spring colds. However, allergy symptoms are affecting more and more people early on in the year as temperatures fluctuate to a greater degree.
The area where you live may significantly affect how seasonal allergies impact your well-being. In Nevada, the main culprit of allergic reactions is the pollen from ash trees. People in the Midwest may experience exposure to high humidity that prompts allergy symptoms.
Treat runny noses, shortness of breath and watering eyes with prescription antihistamines, asthma inhalers and nasal steroids as prescribed by a physician. Allergy testing by an allergist can provide insight into what components are causing the most severe symptoms for you. For example, many individuals are highly allergic to environmental factors such as pollen and grass, whereas others may suffer primarily from allergies to animals and pets.
Office workers especially need to be prepared to ward off seasonal allergies and reduce the risks in a business environment. Take precautions by washing your hands frequently to cut down on germs in the office. Wipe down your phone, keyboard and desk regularly because the causes of seasonal allergies can be transmitted the same way as colds and flu germs.
Spring allergens seem to appear earlier each year, so taking precautions over the holiday breaks is also becoming necessary. Watch your diet to avoid overindulging during family meals or office gatherings. You can cut down on the risk of allergic reactions and avoid illnesses by eating fresh fruits and vegetables that improve your immune system. Drink plenty of water while on the job to avoid dehydration. Add a multivitamin or allergy prescription medication to your daily routine to ward off symptoms that can be unpleasant to you as well as those around you. When symptoms render you incapable of fulfilling your job responsibilities, don't be afraid to request sick a day or two so you can recover and get the rest you need.
A runny nose or sniffle is bound to occur sometime during the year, but anticipating the symptoms of seasonal allergies early in the year gives you the time and motivation to make healthy choices through diet and exercise. Don't let a sneeze or hay fever keep you from making the most of your career.
Photo Courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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