A Recruiter Offers Resume Advice and Guidance

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Career Advice

Suzanne Droese founded her own PR firm in 2007. Her experience as a recruiting professional led her to write a blog giving her resume advice for people seeking a job. Take a look at how she views contemporary resumes and the people who write them.

Get the Right Advice

Droese believes that 90 percent of the resumes that cross her desk are terrible. She says you should get the correct resume advice rather than just taking someone's word for it. Do your research before committing to one way of writing a resume over another.

Keep It Simple

A lot of resumes come to a recruiter's desk on colored paper, with huge photos of a candidate or as a newsletter format. Instead, keep it simple. Your resume provides a professional snapshot of your skills, experience and career. Make clear points using bullets, and summarize your career at the top of the page. A recruiter's eyes should be drawn to the bullet points that outline your major skill set and accomplishments.

Know Your Skills

Sometimes, a skill really isn't a skill. Relevant resume advice includes vetting your skills section to include just skills related to your job. Rather than tout your 5,000 Facebook friends or 1,000 LinkedIn connections, state that you speak three languages as you apply for work at an international company. Knowing basic computer programs is great, but those are standard skills possessed by almost everyone. What skills are unique to you? The more unique skills you have, the more it builds up your personal brand.

Check for Typos

Perhaps the best resume advice you can get is to check for spelling and grammar. The automated spellchecker does not understand the difference between "skills" and "kills." Both words are spelled correctly, but just one letter can make all the difference in how a recruiter or hiring manager perceives your attention to detail.

Add a Cover Letter

Not all companies require a cover letter, but a good piece of resume advice is to include a short cover letter as an email that introduces your resume. If your resume outlines your professional life, a cover letter tells the hiring manager about your passion for the job and why you're a perfect fit. Consider writing about how you can solve a major problem facing the company in three to four succinct, targeted paragraphs.

Show Enthusiasm

Perhaps you heard the acronym EMTD in college. It stands for "enthusiasm makes the difference." Showing enthusiasm on a resume goes a long way toward earning an interview. This means creating a polished, sharp and targeted document that speaks the language of the company to which you're applying. An enthusiastic resume means that when a recruiter calls you, that person knows what to expect when you talk to him on the phone.

You see tons of resume advice every day on your job search. A highly-trained recruiting professional can spot a great resume instantly, so a first impression is very important. Take these points to heart on your job hunt and see where you end up.

Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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