7 Tips for a Successful Resume

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

The key to a successful job search is to make sure your resume shines brighter than those of all the other candidates vying for the position. Your resume and cover letter serve as the first introduction between you and the hiring manager, so follow these seven successful resume tips to make a great first impression before you even land an interview.

1. Consider Consulting With a Job Coach

A job coach can offer tips to improve your resume and direct you on what information to include. Some job coaches offer free one-time consultations, and others are available to contact over the Internet. Try to find one who has experience in your industry.

2. Highlight the Good Stuff

Your resume serves as a marketing document to sell your skills, qualifications, education and experiences to prospective employers. Before writing your resume, decide which of these factors are most relevant to the position. When drafting your resume, draw attention to the details that are particularly impressive to demonstrate your value to the potential employer.

3. Don't Include Blank Spaces

Gaps in employment are inevitable throughout your career, but avoid blank spaces on your resume. Instead, fill these spots with educational experiences, training opportunities or volunteer endeavors you've completed. This shows that you stay motivated during lulls in your employment.

4. Provide Relevant Information Only

Include information that is relevant to the position you're applying. Your resume should be limited to one page, so leave out job positions or skills that don't relate to the desired industry.

5. Consider Inserting a Career Summary

Before listing your skills, qualifications, educational degrees and work experiences, include a career summary as the first section on your resume. This 40- to 50-word summary explains to the hiring manager why the company should hire you. Strive to include three main ideas in your career summary.

6. List Awards and Achievements

If you've won sales awards or achieved a particular customer service goal while working for a previous employer, note these accomplishments on your resume. Ensure that you can easily prove these accomplishments if the potential employer questions them. Save company newsletters or emails that make mention of your awards or impressive achievements.

7. Customize Your Resume

Avoid the urge to send a generic resume to every job position for which you apply. Take the time to tailor your resume to each position. Use keywords from the job posting, and include awards and accomplishments that are most impressive to the potential employer.

To ensure a successful job search, make sure your resume is polished and professional by following these seven tips. Think of your resume as a tool to promote your brand so that you stand out from the crowd.

Photo courtesy of Nicolas Tynan at Flickr.com



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